Power and magic

Power and magicPhoto from open sources

If you trace the history of mankind, you can easily notice that no power in the world (and especially sovereigns of huge powers) was not without appeal to the occult sciences and of magic.

It turns out that the powers that be are constantly using magicians, sorcerers and psychics to strengthen their power. But on In fact, often the opposite situation arose when the kings themselves became puppets in the hands of sorcerers. But then a reasonable question arises – and who pulls the strings of the magician himself?

It’s no secret today that the Third Reich, led by Hitler was very interested in mysticism and the occult sciences. But it seems to be in the order of things. And the fact that the Soviet government, which officially did not recognize God and other devilry, was also not away (especially in the person of her despot – mystic and occultist Stalin) resort to help magic to solve various problems of strengthening The state and the dictator’s own power seem like a paradox. However, this is a fact.

About this and many other things that connect magic and the most prominent politicians of the world, is told in the movie “Battle for the Throne” famous documentary series.

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