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Gunay Aliyeva is a doctor at thirty-four medical sciences. She is a psychiatrist by profession, works in research institute at boston university (USA). The institute where she works is studying things. unusual. These are paranormal phenomena associated with the psyche. person. The department in which Gunay Aliyev works is being investigated an extremely curious phenomenon is psychography.
– What is psychography?
– Psychography, or automatic writing – parapsychological and clinical term for the ability of a person in a state of hypnosis, mediumistic or meditative trance, write meaningful texts out of conscious control of this process. The process of psychography is that a person receiving the “message” from the outside, relaxes and enters into more or less noticeable trance, holding a pen in hand. Soon the hand begins move as if by itself, and the writer may not watch on paper.
At the same time, he may be engaged in completely different activities and not be aware of what he writes at all. Those. going on following: in certain circumstances and at certain times someone or something turns a person into a “writing affiliation” like a fountain pen or typewriter, less often – the artist’s brush. Curiously, the handwriting by which the “automatic text” is written, may differ from the handwriting of the same person in normal condition.
Psychographers usually do not look at the resulting text and write completely without blots. And they write much faster than usual people write. Even faster than nearby researchers in able to read. They sometimes hold the pen so tight that they even very strong people are not able to open their fingers.
“Why are you a psychiatrist, a psychiatrist?” Psychography – is this a deviation in the human psyche?
– Simply psychiatry of all official sciences is the most close to this phenomenon. As for whether the deviation is or no, the question is ambiguous. In ordinary life, almost everything psychographers are normal people. In a trance, no. Generally clear and unequivocally answer the question whether a person is normal or not, not in able to no psychiatrist. No limits! Especially when it comes to a creative person or genius in general …
– When was the phenomenon of psychography discovered?
– A long time ago, but the boom of psychography falls on the nineteenth century, when everything crazily involved in spiritualism, occultism and other things in the same kind. Psychography was considered a gift from heaven, proof of the afterlife life – they say, some external force leads with his hand. To the phenomenon serious scientists, including English parapsychologist F. Wood.
He first encountered the phenomenon of automatic writing in 1928 year. He was visited by a woman who, within a year recorded strange messages. Wood has always carefully checked the facts, suspecting the possibility of quackery or delusion, but the story visitors interested him. Wood watched a woman recorded mysterious messages, conducted a series of experiments and made sure that in this case we are talking about true psychography, not about quackery.
– What most often occurs under the pen of a psychographer?
– A variety of things, quite often incoherent texts, but there are many cases when these were wonderful literary works. Moreover, in people who have absolutely no relationship to literature. Sometimes in these works, art critics and culturologists recognize the style of a writer or poet, deceased as a long time ago, or recently. For example, in 1934, soon after the death of the famous Brazilian poet Umberto di Campui, his the family began a lawsuit against a certain Xavier, who graduated in only four grades of the school of psychography, however, among many others, and verses of Kampui.
A photo from open sources
Photos from open sources
Javier was acquitted: the court found that due to the fact that after of his death, the poet could not create anything more, with legal Xavier’s point of view does not bear any fault. And Xavier, by the way, wrote in this way more than 120 books. By the way, they are translated today in many languages. He wrote not only poetry “under Umbert de Kampui “, but also other poems, medical and philosophical works. In Javier’s style experts recognize the manner of about two hundred different authors. But it’s precisely the manner, not plagiarism — to “plagiarize something” already no one!
– Are there cases when a writer created his own works as if “dictated” from above? Not imitated unknowingly someone else’s style, but wrote your own?
– Yes, for example, William Blake. He once admitted that his Milton and Jerusalem created the poems as if dictated by someone, without any deliberate intention and even against the will.
However, there were those who “collaborated” with a certain “spirit” voluntarily and even with joy. For example, writer Pearl Carren. The spirit, as in the case of Dickens, visited her house during spiritualistic session July 8, 1913. She didn’t belong to spiritualism is serious – it was just curious, nothing more.
That night on the Ouija board (there are several ways to spend spiritualistic sessions) the inscription appeared: “I lived many moons to that back. I will come again. My name is Patins Worth. “Pearl Carren became communicate regularly with the spirit of the Pattins Worth and found out that she was born in 1649 in England, in a poor family, was single, went to American colonies, where she was killed during a clash with the Indians. Having informed, so to speak, biographical data, a long-dead girl Pearl began to dictate something like stories.
I must say that Pearl Karen was a simple housewife, distant from literature, and not only as a writer, but even how reader. However, over five years of regular communication with the spirit of Peytins Worth woman recorded dozens of poems, plays, short stories, epigrams, allegories and four historical novels. All these works are out in 29 volumes and have about four million words. For comparisons: there are a little more than three thousand words on your newspaper page.
Can you imagine what speed? And here is another supernatural fact: sometimes Carren managed to record up to 22 poems. Which poet will be able to compose (namely, to compose, not just write down) how many verses? Only a graphomaniac, but Carren doesn’t was a graphomaniac, her works were translated into several languages.
– And why was communication interrupted after five years?
“Because Pearl got pregnant.” She was thirty-seven and that’s was her first pregnancy, which was very difficult. Organism weakened and ceased to perceive literary signals from the other world. This story, by the way, excited not only the literary, but and the scientific world. Scientists began to scrupulously study her works and to their great surprise, they concluded that they were written in Old English that has become obsolete somewhat centuries ago. In addition, amazing works were found in the works. historical details about which a little-educated girl who studied only until she was fourteen years old, she could hardly have known anything.
But the most striking thing is that this case is not the only one! No less surprising is the story of the writer Richard Bach. Once Bach, then just a young American pilot, walking along the canal in California and heard a stranger a voice that said strange words: “Seagull Jonathan Livingston. “Bach took the paper and painstakingly recorded those visions which flashed before his mind’s eye. As a result it turned out to become a famous literary work, soon published in many countries, including Russian in 1974 year.
After the publication of “The Seagulls …” by Richard Bach, and before that, something who wrote, but completely not recognized by the public – his opuses did not have success, woke up famous. By the way, she composed about the same G. Beecher-Stow his “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”: the events of the novel took place in front of her eyes in images. She never hid it. At all it is curious that the result in cases with psychography does not depend on the efforts of the writers – everything turns out by itself, the texts do not are texting. Yes, and it would be difficult to consciously work on texts a person who in ordinary life does not associate two words on paper can…
– They say that Charles Dickens did not finish the mystery novel himself. Edwin Drude “, and some psychographer did it for him. It’s a bike or is it true?
– Pure truth! Dickens died June 9, 1870, not having time finish the novel. Only six parts were published and no one I knew how it would end. And two years later a certain person declared that he managed to complete the novel in a state of trance under dictation Dickens. It was an American settled in England named James, who, by the way, studied only until the age of thirteen. It all started on a seance where Dickens’ spirit “came” and asked James help finish the last novel. For seven months it was written four hundred pages of printed text. The most amazing thing is that the new the text began with the very word on which it ended unpublished unfinished manuscript of Dickens. But James no way could not see the unfinished novel and even more so it to read.
When James Dickens’s novel was published, then even the most furious skeptics admitted that the novel was written exactly in consistent with Dickens style and vocabulary: behavior logic heroes, verbal turns and even Dickens’s favorite trick – flash back, transitions from the past tense to the present – everything was impeccably. So I want to exclaim that the real creation will find its reader, bypassing all barriers: both temporary and spatial, and biological.
– And then what happened to James?
– He did not become a writer: the gift was gone, as it came – in an instant, when the work was finished. He returned to the ranks of faceless hard workers and I did not repeat such feats. And the secret of his connection with the spirit no one could explain the great writer.
– So maybe with the help of a psychographer you can establish a connection with the other world?
– Yes, this, in fact, has been done repeatedly, but not on purpose, of course. Quite often, psychographers create not only literary works, but also just convey some messages, and often from completely unfamiliar to them during the life of people. One of the most striking examples of this – a case already from our days with By Anna Pyamanchini from the Italian city of Luca, who studied Associate Professor, Department of Parapsychology, University of Naples, Cobaltina Marrone and Giorgio Di Simone.
One day by no means a beautiful day, Anna, who was thirty five, decided to commit suicide. There were many reasons: the death of parents two years before, unsettled personal life, purely everyday problems … She already poured poison into the glass as she suddenly lost consciousness and, as she later said, she saw a dead mother and heard her voice: “Do not do this, take a pen and write what dictates you spirit! I have a man here who will be waiting for you! ”
Anna took the paper and pen, and immediately her hand began to write: “I’m Robert. Killed in a car accident. You and I are the same age. What are you you beautiful palms. “It is curious that, according to Italian newspapers, this connection is still not interrupted. The most interesting thing is that the handwriting in these messages is not of Anna, but of Robert – this was confirmed by him relatives whose address was given by the spirit.
A photo from open sources
Another example of messages from the other world is an earlier case with H.Aper, a writer from Austria. In 1945, her son died, and the woman suffered greatly. Once she sat thinking, and mechanically drove a pencil on a notebook. She doesn’t write anything she could – shortly before that, I instilled atropine in my eyes and didn’t I saw. Suddenly her hand began to display line by line. She felt convulsive muscle contractions, as if current electric passed. When she was able to read what was written, then with surprised to find a letter from her son in a notebook – his handwriting. Letters “came” repeatedly, and were very important for Iper at that time topic.
– It looks like a fantasy …
– Yes, from the point of view of everyday consciousness. However i said only those facts that have been documented. TO fortunately, modern science doesn’t close so much to psychography eyes, like other paranormal phenomena. Perhaps because they can be touched, so to speak.
Many scientists are trying to find scientific explanations for such facts. However, most explain psychography as sensory automatism. Like, this is due to the extraction of the forgotten subconscious from the bowels information, it is such a method breaks out of the grip of the mind. Proponents of this theory argue that through automatic writing you can’t get anything in excess of the stock of knowledge and information, located in the memory, consciousness and subconscious of the medium.
But this hypothesis is unconvincing, as many examples, including those that I have already cited. Or here is the case with Englishwoman Rosemary Brown. She spent hundreds of sessions – unconscious creative acts: wrote plays under Bernard Shaw, articles, including scientific papers on psychology under Jung, played unfamiliar music, reminiscent of the style of creation of old composers – Bach, Mozart, Rachmaninoff … In addition, she has there were communication experiences not only with literature, but also with painting.
– Can painting also be called psychography?
– Yes, painting also happens to be dictated. Moreover, in people which in ordinary life they draw only at the level of children’s kalyak-malyak. For example, Brazilian A. Gasparetti, who does not know how to draw painted “dictated” even in complete darkness, with both hands two different pictures at once. Or Dutchman G. Mansveld, who before for forty-six years did not pick up a brush and was not able to not only draw something, but even draw the simplest picture.
Researcher of such phenomena Dr. Krener, carefully who studied the exhibition of paintings by this artist, argued that it’s absolutely impossible to believe that all these paintings are created by one man, as they appear to be written in at least twenty different artists who do not have nothing in perception, nor in technology, nor in temperament, nor in themes, neither in school, nor in artistic significance. Mansveld writes almost in complete trance, sometimes in complete darkness. His facial expressions, voice, speech, temperament change according to what picture he writes. How can you not recall Xavier with his raznostilnymi literary works?
– Do you have such examples anywhere closer?
– There is. For example, in Belarus. In Svetlogorsk a few years ago there was an exhibition of artist-psychographer Galina Grigoryevna Loginova, a teacher of a boarding school. She used to be completely She knew how to draw and did not feel any craving for it.
The ability for pictorial psychography came to her after a strong thunderstorms. Suddenly, in front of her inner gaze, one by one unusual portraits arise. This image gallery was “broadcast” more than an hour. And three days later, Loginova appeared irresistible desire to draw seen portraits. In just one year the teacher made about 40 sketches and 89 drawings. All of them made exclusively in blue pencil, since Loginova claims to see images from another world in that color and to paint in a different color simply does not work.
– And with music such cases were observed?
– And with the music were observed, and again, in people without hearing and abilities. To some extent, psychography is sudden mastery of previously unfamiliar foreign languages, such as a patient of the aforementioned English doctor Wood. In condition a trance woman not only wrote, but also pronounced phrases in unknown language. Only after consultation with the Egyptologist Wood found out that this is the ancient Egyptian language. Wood called described by him xenoglossia phenomenon. A very vivid example of xenoglossia and pure psychography – Brazilian C. Mirabelli. He took “messages” with great speed, while talking with surrounding.
The themes of his works are incredibly extensive: “Chemistry in the light of phenomenology” – 35 pages written in 46 minutes in English. “ABOUT the origin of man “- 26 pages in half an hour in French, Buddhist Apology – 8 pages in Chinese … Knowing only three language, he wrote in 28 languages. Mirabelli’s pulse increased to 150 beats per minute, the temperature rose to almost 40 degrees. The special scientific commission that studied it established that the content of the work of the psychographer “exceeds the usual possibilities memory “and them” cannot be created using tricks. “In addition, that the works were written in impeccable (!) language, every time in different ways.
Psychography is the sudden possession of some unknown before that knowledge. For example, the writer Krzyzhanowska-Rochester, psychographically writing over forty exciting novels, so accurately described the ancient Egyptian ceremonies that she a scientific prize was awarded for this. Some facts described in her books, only Egyptologists could know. Or american writer Taylor Caldwell demonstrated in her novels excellent knowledge of medieval medicine, whose history never engaged. When asked how she writes about than she had no idea, she simply replied: “I don’t know, from somewhere is coming. ”
Why go so far? Our Azerbaijani writer Yunus Oguz It is a case of a psychographer, to which he “comes.” But not constantly, as in the other examples given. Sometimes in a dream, sometimes during the work process. Yunus Oguz, being a specialty a philosopher, and by profession a journalist, writes historical novels. The time range of events covered in the novels is quite large – From the era of Attila to the Safavid empire of the XVI century.
Heroes come to him in a dream and claim that sometimes everything was not like in history books, but otherwise. Sometimes they threaten that if the writer does not write, as it actually was, he will not say hello. The most curious thing is that with a deeper study sources not available to the general public, it turns out that the heroes were right in their demands!
By the way, one of the most ancient psychographic works, according to parapsychologists, is considered the Old Testament, some parts of which, according to many sources, were dictated from above. The later holy book – the Quran – is also considered a psychographic work, not without reason Muhammad claimed that the text of the Koran was as if dictated to him.
– Is not a state of inspiration close to psychography? After all, one can often hear from people in creative professions that what they created was as if dictated by someone from above. That’s just by whom? The same restless spirits that did not have time to realize themselves in life like the spirit of dickens?
– No, inspiration does not imply such attendant conditions, what happens with psychography. Other than that, inspiration happens after all, in people one way or another educated, and most often people with a pure psychography ability are not very high intellectual level. Just like me already said there were guides of spirits of Dickens and Peytins Worth.
It is believed that people who are not burdened with the luggage of education are easier relax and go into a trance. Being in this state, they even they don’t record what they write, everything happens by itself. And those to to whom the muse descends, they nevertheless understand what they are doing. And do it with normal speed and in a familiar language.
– How do you explain the phenomenon of psychography in your Institute?
– The hypotheses are completely different, and there are no doubt among them. Where from is there information? Most likely, from the same place, from where another form of clairvoyance. Information that people get with psychographies, preparing us for future events, often enough serious.
The magazine “Youth” once spoke about the engineer A. Krasin, foreman of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, who almost two years before the accident saw a dream: the fourth block explodes … About the same, but in writing happens when psychographed. If it comes about some kind of close trouble, then such information is aggressively invading into the human psyche, and at that moment he can no longer write anything another, without even understanding the content of the “messages”.
Against the background of assumptions and assumptions, there is one sufficiently convincing hypothesis, which I personally share. This is a view. about the noosphere, developed by academician Vernadsky and regardless him by the French scientist Teilhard de Chardin, although in a different form. By the way, the picture proposed by these scientists is in good agreement with traditional Indian traditions of “aksha records” – that is, a certain sphere fixing in the form of special “psi-vibrations” everything that ever happened in people’s minds. Probably not by chance many, coming to an unfamiliar country, the city, entering the house, feel a certain mental impact. And some people may from this ocean of mental information get well-defined information, as happens with psychography.
– Is it possible to learn psychography?
– I, by the way, and many scientists, I think so. Of course in one degree or another: someone will succeed more, someone less. Famous German psychiatrist Anita Mel proved that when creating appropriate conditions most mentally healthy people can teach automatic writing, you just need the right one psychological attitude and long training. With spontaneous the appearance of automatic writing by the factor causing it more often total is a mental disorder, mainly hysteria. At psychiatrists and psychologists there is even such a thing: the logic of insanity. Indeed, in the sensations and reasonings of a mentally ill person there is own logic, own interconnections. This is what I did most the famous Swiss psychologist Karl Gustav Jung.
Modern German psychologists recently conducted a study and found that two-thirds of subscribers of both sexes are conversing by phone, they automatically draw all sorts of things on paper – each his own. Someone cells, someone arrows, someone flowers and so on. Most often, any turned up surface or paper is hatched. These resulting symbolic signs express their internal state – either permanent or tied to a given conversation. So that’s it psychologists also attribute these strokes and squiggles to the phenomenon psychography and closely studied.
– Do you have the ability to psychographically?
– Not! (Laughs) But in childhood, as my mother claims, they were. This was expressed in different, often strange phrases, which deduced my hand while I was watching TV. Moreover, the meaning of the phrases is completely not related to the theme of the program or film. I explain this an underdeveloped phenomenon with a certain state of trance into which I immersed the tv.
In fact, I’m not the only one, the TV affects many In a similar way. Sometimes it results in psychography, sometimes in depression, or even aggression. But this ability died out, and I, in I’m glad, actually. Because it’s one thing to study others, and another – yourself. In the latter case, literally one step to bias or desire to rig the result. So I’m in this property again not going to develop.
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