Pterodactyl filmed in America?

In America, filmed a pterodactyl video?Photos from open sources of

Pterodactyls are extinct flying dinosaurs, who lived on our planet in the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. It’s hard to imagine that such a reptile survived to our times, unless, of course, the Arthur Conan novel Doyle’s The Lost World.

However, the other day a certain web user posted on a well-known YouTube video hosting record that clearly demonstrates the flight pterodactyl. What is it really – a master installation or the return of the monster who lived on Earth a hundred and forty million years back?

The author of the video, who wished to remain anonymous, reports that a mysterious creature was noticed by him over the city of Boyce in US state of idaho. Winged creature was impossible confuse with a bird. Struck by his find American instantly took out his cell phone and began to shoot the alleged dinosaur on video. The animal made a strange half-blister in the air, then disappeared from the eyes of an eyewitness behind the nearest house. Amazing no one in the city no longer reported on this day about a strange creature, flying so low above the ground.

Commentators who believed that the video really pterodactyl captured, few found. Overwhelming most youtube users thought it was skillful fake, and the author was not too lazy to spend many hours smoothly animation and work with the game of light and shadow.

Other video hosting regulars said it was a stork or some radio-controlled toy. Confirm or to refute the author’s words about what appeared today a flying dinosaur, apparently, is not possible. However, if specialists take up the video and prove it authenticity, the version of appearance in the modern world is not ruled out real pterodactyl. Possibly from the same parallel realities from where yeti come to us, mysterious monsters ponds, like Lake Loch Ness, Karadag snakes of the Black Sea, chupacabra and many other mythical and mysterious creatures.


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