Put in jail for gluttony

Put in jail for gluttonyPhotos from open sources you never wondered why some people without all labor go, for example, to a raw food diet or vegetarianism, they just love all kinds of diets, if not eat little, they just peck at that – and are full. And the others – by no means can conquer in themselves a constant feeling of hunger, so that they they did, no matter how hard they tried, they didn’t succeed, although I’ve already gotten too much out of it, so that at least get into the loop.

It turns out that not everything is as simple as it is seen from the first sight. For example, today no one seems news the statement that there should be a predisposition to alcoholism, not just like that – he took and became an alcoholic. It turns out with overeating the same. Some people simply do not know satiety. They eat a lot, often, but almost never gorge. Getting up from the table, such people almost immediately begin snack: suck on sweets, eat ice cream, drink dairy cocktails, click seeds, and so on.

Recently, scientists have discovered in such people a special FTO gene, which the researchers called the famine gene. And if normal after eating, there is a sharp decrease in ghrelin, cleansing for satiation, then the hunger gene somehow blocks this process, and a person remains hungry even if I already overeat for a long time, and even simply glut oneself.

Scientists have found that people with the gene for hunger experience food the same dependence as drug addicts, say, on cocaine, and alcoholics – from alcohol. And they suffer no less than the last, forced all his life to “carry on” dozens of superfluous kilograms of fat, which not only do not paint the figure, but also dramatically undermine health and significantly shorten their life. The only advantage of this dependence is that no one considers it our society is a vice, and it is not yet legally punishable. A imagine – put in jail for gluttony!

Here are just scientists, having trumpeted about the discovery of the gene of hunger, even didn’t give a hint about whether it is possible to deal with this problem somehow? I think this is much more important for those who suffer from this addictions, than to know about some mythical gene, on which even you can’t look and tell him everything that you think about him …

A life

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