“Quantorians” appeared in Altai

In Altai appearedPhoto from open sources

Who are the Quantorians that the press has talked about in Altai? It turns out that gifted children call themselves (or rather, their called by adults) the Kvantorium.22 technology center that opened here. Moreover, now journalists even called them a new tribe. Quantorians.

As the governor of the region Alexander Karlin notes in his blog, gifted children are the most valuable thing in any state, and because such talents need to be raised in special “greenhouse” conditions, in order to fully reveal their abusive abilities.

A photo from open sources

Note that Altai was among the first in Russia to be included in implementation of a long-term federal program for additional child development. Building and equipping unique center-industrial park “Quantorium.22” – one of the real steps for implementation of a new format of continuing education for the younger generation.

Moreover, as the governor notes, it’s not only progressive the techniques that are used here, as they say, of course, but and access to all kinds of advanced technologies used Now at the modern enterprises of Altai and the Russian Federation as a whole.

The huge capabilities of the technology center multiplied by outstanding the ability of the Quantorians is already yielding amazing results, it is no coincidence that these gifted children are constant winners of all kinds competitions and olympiads, and not only in Altai but on a scale national events of a similar plan.

Altai Russia

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