Radio signals from space from the brothers in mind – this is absurd!

Radio signals from space from the brothers in the mind - this is absurd!A photo from open sources

While advanced researchers consider global problems of, say, the origin of humanity through gene alien engineering on our planet is discussing how close are the relations of the governments of advanced countries with extraterrestrial civilizations explain that the only way travels in the Universe are temporal-spatial portals, Orthodox scientists continue to send radio signals into space (to whom and why?) and wait for something similar in return.

For example, scholars such as German Michael Hipstack and American John Lernd in September this year happily informed the whole world, that they managed to fix radio signals very similar to the alphabet Morse, but because this is quite possibly news from space from alien mind.

Canadian physicist Kyoshi Matsui and his university colleagues British Columbia recently issued a statement that such “radio news” from space, which, incidentally, over the past year fixed fifteen pieces around the world – nothing more than “sighs” arising in the bowels of young neutron stars.

The polarization of such FRB emissions, scientists say, shows that they passed through the most magnetized areas outer space, say through plasma clouds that significantly strengthened them, turning into “messages from brothers reason. “In fact, these are not radio signals from aliens, but consequences of outbreaks of “star quakes”, accompanied by a giant the release of energy that generates certain radio waves.

A photo from open sources

By the way, it is the pseudo-scientists who still send themselves and waiting for news from space, continue to claim that we happened from monkeys what is the most scientific theory of the origin of man and all species of animals – Darwinism, but facts and evidence objectionable to them hide from the public, lest they compromise them “scientific” degrees and high positions. And when this the theater of the absurd (for which enormous funds are spent) will end on Earth, it’s not clear …

But still, where did the intelligent man come from, who and why are we created and why does someone so want to hide it? Look about it documentary.

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