A photo from open sources
Radioactive wet snow fell in arkansas but the public has not been notified again. Video on YouTube:
Wet snow that fell on January 15, 2013 in the White District Arkansas State (White County Arkansas) was not normal. Background The levels in this area are 35cpm. Snow showed a level higher 100cpm. The fact that the high level was determined only about 24 hours, indicates a short half-life of charged particles. Such exposure can suppress the immune system and may be cause for new outbreaks of flu and disease in this and others areas, the author of the plot writes. We can only guess what the true causes of the event and the extent of the pollution. However, despite the fact that the level was exceeded only a day, the question arises: why parents were not warned so that they could hold back children from playing snowballs and walking. Do not create panic or concern to authorities seems more important than public safety and health.