Rats can create a new civilization on The earth

Rats can create a new civilization on EarthPhoto from open sources

Some scientists believe that intelligence was introduced on Earth by extraterrestrial civilizations. Moreover, the aliens allegedly spent experiments with the genome of not only primates (future humans), but also rats.

Rats are very similar in structure to humans, and not only physically, their genome is almost the same. No wonder that and reason, these small predators are simply excellent.

For this reason, rats were taken as a source material for creating combat super beings that can survive in any conditions and at the same time be invisible to the enemy. In order to the creation of such a “biological weapon” in 1929 in the USSR in A secret laboratory appears in Saratov. But this is not the case. was brought to an end, although in fifty years they made of rats real mutant killers. And when before the collapse of the USSR laboratory decided to close and destroy all experimental animals, then rats just not found. The rats somehow knew that they were at the end they’ll want to exterminate, and they have nibbled over these long years multi-meter concrete wall, making a hole for retreat in collector.

It was at that time (1989-1990) that the worst incredible news about mutant rats in the Moscow metro, and not only in the subway and not only in the capital. Today many researchers are sure that those artificially bred rats are gone in the “underground floors” of the largest cities and created their civilization with certain laws, hierarchy and even peculiar culture.

Read more about this, as well as how rats saved humanity. from the second “black plague” and at the same time almost destroyed besieged Leningrad, watch the video. We add only in conclusion that “rattus sapiens” – a rational rat – a very possible option further development of civilization on our planet.

USSR Rat Time �

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