Raven surprised scientists with knowledge of the law Archimedes

Raven surprised scientists with knowledge of the law of ArchimedesPhoto from open sources

Scientists have long proved that a bird called a raven is one of the smartest creatures on our planet. A among the birds he may not have equal at all, although there are researchers who are trying to prove now that intellectual abilities of some types of parrots are not inferior crow. However, American experts decided to hold a number of interesting and, it should be noted, voluntary experiments it is over the raven.

The smartest bird

It turned out that these blue-black beauties understand the law Archimedes and can even interact with communicating vessels to solve the necessary tasks.

The experiment took place in New Caledonia – the island territorial entity owned by France and located in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. Researchers from the United States prepared several experiments in each of which the bird needed to perform a specific task and so to get tasty food for yourself. Family volunteer Voronov did not keep himself waiting and soon flew in, taking the solution of “food problems”.

A photo from open sources

Exams passed “excellent”

The first experiment was that before the feathered there were two test tubes – one with sand, the other with water. In the last Floating treats. The clever bird reasonably ignored the vessel with sand and began to throw stones into the water, causing her the level in the tube increased, and the food was upstairs.

For the second experiment, scientists took the same test tube with water and put nearby externally indistinguishable pieces of polystyrene and concrete. The raven threw aside a light foam and threw a heavy concrete, again without difficulty receiving a delicious reward.

During the third experiment, the bird had to be thrown into vessel empty or full metal frames. The bird stopped its the choice is complete, having the volume necessary for raising the liquid, and again did not go without lunch.

In the fourth experiment, two vessels appeared in front of the raven – one with square neck, the second – with a rectangular one. Were near pieces of concrete are scattered, the four sides of which had rectangular shape and two – square. Feathered easily received both treats, throwing a load suitable under the neck of the vessels by the parties.

During the fifth experiment, the bird also got two tubes. In the first, the water level was high enough, in the second – too low. The raven ignored a vessel in which he was not treated managed to get it, and got goodies from a test tube, where the water it was much more.

In the final experiment, three vessels were used, two of which were communicating, in the narrow of the two – the food was floating. In this case, not it was clear which vessels were connected. The bird quickly realized where it is necessary to throw stones so that food in a vessel with a narrow neck surfaced up.

A photo from open sources

Feathered Pranksters

According to the researchers, they were able to prove that the black crows in their quick wits, they do not lag behind many higher primates. However, as observations show, and their closest relatives – ordinary crows are also not only striking intelligence and memory, but also a huge sense of humor, which manifests itself in the desire of these birds to constantly joke and to play with the world around them.

Water Time Stones Birds

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