Reason or emotions – which is more important?

Mind or emotions - which is more important?A photo from open sources

In the Secret Territories documentary series you will find a lot of all kinds of information about aliens, ancient civilizations, riddles of our psyche and so on. Today we watch a movie – “Feast of the Mind.”

Remember the expression that the path to a man’s heart lies through stomach. This was noticed even in the most ancient times, and Today, researchers were able to give this phenomenon a completely scientific explanation. It turns out that we have two tools for understanding the world – brain (logic) and stomach (intuition). So, in men who are in mainly rely on logic, intuition is “developed” to a greater extent at the level of food intake. And therefore the representative of the stronger sex so it is important to feed properly.

It is right, and not satisfying and to the dump, because from this (proper nutrition) depends on family happiness. About this and much friend, with regard to our stomach and generally eating, see This is an interesting video.

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