Rescue bear

Bear RescuePhoto from open source Saves the bear, most likely Voronenka, who still poorly able to fly, and on his feet is not quite confident. At these birds are teenage chicks with almost an adult, only few more what they can do in this life.

But the rescue bear, of course, is good. We do not have every person would do it: think a crow drowns … This is once again proves that in nature everything is harmonious, and even a predator never will destroy another animal or bird for fun, as it does around and everywhere man.

We’ll clarify that this video is already a year old, that crow has long been, probably became an adult bird, but I think I have not forgotten this kindness from the side of the bear. The fact is that crows are very smart, they can even count, as scientists have determined, even if only up to ten, but in nobody taught their mathematics at school, only the lessons of Mother Nature.

By the way, this bear is quite ready to be reborn in the next life in man, isn’t it? After all, the reincarnation of animals in person, and vice versa, is recorded through the memory of some children, who, for example, remembered that in a past life they were even a snake, not like a bear, which, in general, costs us reason not far …

Life Bears Birds Reincarnation

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