I haven’t heard about the Bigfoot, Yeti, the relict hominid, probably only deaf. About this mysterious creature films, write books and articles. But to say for sure where he lives legendary bigfoot, no one can. Or almost no one. I agreed to talk about my meeting with the relic hominid famous traveler, geologist, expedition supervisor “Russian Biogen” Alexander Gurvits. Photos from open sources – Alexander Borisovich, say: is there really a bigfoot or not? – “There is much in the world, friend of Horatio, which our sages did not dream of. ” In other words, much of what is in the world is not available. understanding of the ordinary inhabitant of the Earth. But if we talk about snow a man, or, as scientists call him, a relic hominid, then it can be said in the affirmative: yes, there is such a creature in reality. Photos and descriptions of eyewitnesses – to that evidence. But to say who exactly is the yeti – for now impossible. – You are one of the few people in our country who fortunate enough to watch a snowman live. Tell me where it is happened? – In Russia there is a place known for various abnormal phenomena. It is located in the center of the Arctic Circle Kola Peninsula. There between lakes Luyavr and Umpjavr the mountain range Luyavrurt rises. Translated from the Sami language, this means “Mountain by a stormy lake”, and now in this amazing place expeditions regularly outfit. This array was first explored research team led by Johann Palm, professor University of Helsinki, in 1897. His expedition made a series unique discoveries in the field of geography, geology, biology, ethnography. But they became known to the general scientific community. only in 1968, after the publication of the book of the Finnish journalist Willy Muilu “The White Spot”. And already in the 20th century, geologists, geophysicists and biologists understood: A mountain near a stormy lake is a reference geobiogenic a zone, that is, a place on Earth where life arises, and in the most unusual forms. The zone really has the most positive effect all the fauna and flora of Luyavrurt. In particular, dendrologists have discovered there are several relic plants … – And Bigfoot in bargain? – Oddly enough, yes: it’s here in Russia yeti see most often! It is known about 14 such meetings. And one of them was even registered in the documents of the Lovozero district committee of the CPSU. Then a huge hairy man attacked a group of schoolchildren from Lovozero village. Two guys hid from him in the hut hunters, and three ran to the village and asked for help to local administration. As a result, a special group was formed. professional hunters who saw a furry creature. His even tried to catch. But right after the warning shots it hid in huge jumps in the forest. – Tell me, when are you have you seen a bigfoot yourself? – It was in 1977 when I ended up on Luyavrurt with the expedition of the Moscow tourist the club. And here is August 24 at 6 o’clock in the morning with my partner Mikhail went on an examination of the southeastern part of Luyavrurt. Our main task was to find the caves that I explored famous scientist, esoteric, head of the special department of the OGPU Alexander Barchenko during his expedition. This is a yeti photo made in 2009 by the Americans and made public the other day. Till allegedly considered genuine.
Photos from open sources By 9 o’clock in the morning we went to the gorge Indie. And then they decided to go up to the source, to which it was about three kilometers. But to investigate more thoroughly rocks, Michael and I were divided. He, leaning on an alpenstock, went down to the bottom of the gorge, and I went astride. Climbing the rocky ledge, I involuntarily admired the landscape. The gorge is excellent It was viewed somewhere at 500 meters. So it took about half an hour, and suddenly on the horizon I noticed a figure of a man. Taking him for his partner, I waved his hand, but then, looking closely, I realized that this is clearly not Michael. The silhouette of a man was clearly visible on a white background, but for some reason he walked without an alpenstock, and a backpack too was not visible. Unknown stubbornly moved towards me. Moreover moved without swaying, like an ordinary person: his hands hung along the body, the head was raised, but the legs … Legs were clearly visible, but understand how the creature moves them, I I couldn’t. It was clear that the stranger was coming, but how? – and how so – The creature moved like a hare, which during jump hind legs overtake the front. It moved with a very high speed. When I realized this, I tried the radio contact a partner, but there was no connection. The giant is inexorably approaching, radiating power and aggression. Me involuntarily anxiety seized for the fate of my comrade, because, he meet this giant, he couldn’t leave alive … – What are you have taken – Loudly called his partner. My scream echoes scattered through the mountains, and – a miracle – the giant stopped dead in his tracks. Then he suddenly fell on all fours, made a leap forward, then to the right to the shadow side of the gorge. I tried to determine by eye the growth of this creature was horrified: offhand it was more than five meters tall! At this moment, my partner appeared on the side – alive and unscathed. And an unknown creature made several jumps in side and disappeared behind a ledge of rock. Fearing his return, we, nevertheless, they tried to photograph his tracks, but, alas, on their pictures were almost invisible. A year later, I again came to Luyavrurt and went to the place of his meeting with the Bigfoot – by then I already understood who I was lucky to see in mountain gorge. I calculated the distance that yetis covered four jumps, and was amazed: one jump at the hominid was 40 meters! – You told other scientists about this unexpected meeting the legendary bigfoot? – Yes, after some talked with a famous cryptozoologist and spoke in detail about his meeting with an unknown creature, to which the scientist excitedly said: “You are extremely lucky! You watched for three minutes relict hominid! Usually he appears in the field of view only on fraction of a second … “Interviewed by Dmitry SOKOLOV
Giants Yeti Time Russia