Residents of the American city will be paid same salary

Residents of the American city will be paid the same salaryA photo from open sources

Unconditional basic income is social a concept involving regular payments to all members of the community the same amount of money, regardless of profession, volume work performed and employment in general. It is believed that in developed society, this approach will solve the problems of poverty, social inequality and citizens being unloved work. Reminds me of communist ideas, don’t you?

Equal salary for everyone

In the United States, they decided to conduct a unique experiment on time to introduce unconditional basic income in one of the cities of the country. The Californian will act as the experimental settlement Auckland with a population of about three hundred ninety thousand people. The author of such a large-scale and expensive study is American venture fund “Y Combinator” with the assistance of local authorities.

Within five years, all interested residents of Auckland will receive the same content, which should confirm or disprove theoretical merits of unconditional basic income before current monetary system.

Venture Fund “Y Combinator” has long held a similar on the AML model, financing startups of novice entrepreneurs. IN exchange for seven percent of the shares a person receives funds for opening own business without any other obligations and conditions. The experience of Airbnb, Dropbox, Reddit and thousands of other companies has shown that a trustful approach does wonders. When people get money, they don’t lie on the sofa and do not drink them, but rather, having such financial guarantees begin to work much more efficiently and diligently than from under the stick.

Seventeen percent of Auckland residents are Asians, twenty eight percent are African-Americans, thirty-five are white. IN disadvantaged areas are very high crime. According to the FBI, the number of murders in the city ranks first in California and tenth in all of America. At in the areas on the opposite end of Auckland citizens, including a small number of millionaires. Here crime, as you might guess, is practically absent.

A photo from open sources

Such economic and social diversity makes Auckland, by According to the authors of the project, an ideal place to test unconditional basic income. From participation in the study, you can easy to refuse. Obviously, those who have a monthly income is greater than the amount that will be issued. But the residents disadvantaged areas will surely be only happy with this innovation. Social Security Assumed reduce the number of crimes, because poor citizens do not now you have to steal and kill to have money for a life.

Equal Salary Project Criticized

If the pilot project shows the expected results, “Y Combinator “intends to expand its research to other US cities. However, not everyone believes in the success of this venture. Many American experts say that the main income will only work in a conscious society where crime and parasitism is not there initially. Critics are convinced that in disadvantaged areas such a social concept will lead to a surge in alcoholism and drug addiction, as lack of money – based reason why the so-called “scum of society” is not they are engaged in self-destruction continuously, that is, they drink alcohol and they do not use drugs as often as they would like.

Note that in many countries of the world the humanitarian idea of ​​AML frankly don’t like it. In contrast to her, for example, in Belarus, impose taxes on the unemployed, believing that loafers it is necessary to stimulate to work with a whip, not a carrot. And after all it is impossible to say with full certainty which of these approaches correct and which not.


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