Residents of the deep sea “warn”: wait earthquakes

Residents of the deep seaA photo from open sources

In the Philippines, South Leyte fishermen caught two deep-sea gigantic snakes (these are fish of the Scratchfishes family). The largest of them reaches a length of 4.4 meters and weighs a little more 50 kilograms, and the second was approximately half the size. However, such an amazing catch did not please at all, rather on the contrary, very worried local fishermen.

Moreover, earlier at this place three more similar “sea snakes”, which in Japan, for example, are called “Ryugu no tsukai “, which means -” Messengers from the palace of the gods. “In The land of the rising sun has a belief that such tape snakes rise from the depths of the sea to warn people about upcoming earthquake.

A photo from open sources

Philippine specialist seismologist Kiyoshi Wadatsumi, who is still and director of the e-PISCO study organization earthquake, once wrote in a scientific article that deep-sea animals are more sensitive to earthly movements faults than those fish that swim near the surface, and therefore the appearance of snake fish in the networks of anglers can serve as a signal: shaking of the soil is approaching.

However, today the scientist is trying to calm the locals, proving that isolated cases of catching sea snakes by Philippine fishermen cannot be indisputable evidence of activity the earth’s crust and that there are no reasons for panic yet. However locals understand that two catches of deep snakes are difficult to consider random, if soon they get on the net a third time, then wait for trouble for sure …

Earthquake Pisces

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