Residents of the Novosibirsk region are terrorized forest monster

Residents of the Novosibirsk region are terrorized by a forest monsterA photo from open sources

A creepy cryptid terrifies residents of several villages in Kyshtovsky district of the Novosibirsk region of the Russian Federation. According to the villagers, in impassable forests a snowman has wound up or something similar monster. Alleged monster leaves huge damp ground four-fingered footprints of approximately 50th size. Any connoisseur, for example, an experienced hunter will confirm that this is not a bear’s paw print, but some animal unknown to science.

Cryptozoologists who join the investigation put forward an opinion that we can really talk about the famous relic hominid bigfoot, the existence of which official scholars recognize refuse, although there is a huge amount of evidence to this. AND quite a lot of such evidence may now be found in Novosibirsk region. It is possible that soon yeti take pictures or even capture on video in good quality (until this can be done, well, no way).

A photo from open sources

A resident of the local village of Chernakovka, Sergei Openkin, says that a lot of locals saw an upright monster on the outskirts of villages and on the track. The wife of Sergei Tatyana herself twice saw the high a humanoid creature with silver hair. Once she grazed cows and noticed in the distance a creature running towards her. When nearby a car drove through, the cryptid disappeared into the thicket, and then again appeared. Since then, the woman has been wary of approaching the edge of the village.

The uninvited guest, according to the villagers, is incredibly strong and can break any tree into chips. And due to the fact that they live here in mostly mushroom pickers with hunters, people are really afraid to leave in forest, especially alone. Well at least the yeti doesn’t come close to houses and does not drag cattle. Some locals already they talk about organizing a people’s squad with the aim of going to forest and shoot a potentially dangerous creature.

Yeti Cryptids Monsters

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