Victor Gaidukov lives in the village of Novenky (Pavlovsky District, Voronezh region). At the beginning of the sixth morning his wife woke him up Galina, reading a book, and pointed to the window. On still dark in the sky, above the forest, a large club- shaped object shone with adjoining him with a bright arc, like a rainbow.
From the side it looked like a giant lantern. He is motionless hung to the southwest of the house of the Gaidukovs. Grabbing a home digital the “soap box” the couple managed to make a single frame out of the window. But too weak for night shooting the camera as luck would have it discharged, not allowing to take pictures on the street.
A photo from open sources
“What is this? UFO?” The Gaidukovs thought in the first seconds.
A former military man who had never seen anything like it before called my acquaintance Vyacheslav Udalov from a mobile phone, on duty that night nearby – in the boiler house of Shipov Les. TO that time Vyacheslav and his partner Nikolai Sukhonosov also became witnesses of this strange phenomenon, having managed to notice it a little earlier Victor Petrovich.
A photo from open sources
“It was something unusual,” Vyacheslav shares his impressions. -Imagine a very bright large disk that is in the center absolutely black circle with clear outlines. On two sides of the edges of this circle, symmetrically, extend two bright multi-colored rays forms. And on top of this whole thing is a white luminous arc, also like a rainbow.
During discussions of an unidentified phenomenon, it turned out that it It was not in the sky for long – before it began to grow light. And men saw this object a little differently.
A photo from open sources
“We didn’t feel fear, only surprise,” Victor says. Petrovich and Vyacheslav. “But what was that?” Unusual atmospheric phenomenon or UFO? Or someone sends us signs that something mean? Be that as it may, nothing like this we never have seen.
– Judging by the description, what the men saw could be optical phenomena that happen from time to time on days full moon. It’s possible that they saw a celestial body – a comet, appearing for a short time and disappearing with the dawn, – I’m sure Voronezh ufologist Alexander Sukhorukov.