A photo from open sources
As you know, our brain consists of two hemispheres: the left and right, to each of which go the nerve paths from the senses and from all organs with sensitivity (for example, pain or tactile – tactile). In this case, the right hemisphere is mainly “serves” the left side of the body: takes the most information from the left eye, ear, left arm, leg, etc. and transmits teams respectively left arm, leg, and left hemisphere serves the right side. The main difference between the left hemisphere and right is that only in it are speech centers and processing of all information entering the left hemisphere occurs with the help of verbal-sign systems. Left as if crushes a picture of the world into parts, into details and analyzes them, building causal chains, classifying all objects, building circuits, sequentially sorting through everything that falls into the scope of his perception or is extracted from memory. It takes time, the left hemisphere is relatively slow. The right one a hemisphere that has no centers of speech captures a picture of the world holistically, while including all the concrete reality, not breaking up into parts, but synthesizing a holistic image in all the totality of its specific manifestations. It specializes in processing information that is expressed not in words but in symbols and images. The right hemisphere is fast. So left the hemisphere can be called analytical, classification, abstract, algorithmic, sequential, inductive. Can to say that the left hemisphere is characterized by a rational-logical, sign thinking. The right hemisphere corresponds to such characteristics as holistic, synthetic, concrete, heuristic (from the word “eureka!”), parallel (simultaneous, and not sequential), deductive. He is also called emotional. It is characterized by visual-figurative, intuitive, creative thinking. The left hemisphere is responsible for our reading and to the letter. The right hemisphere gives us the opportunity to dream and to fantasize. With the help of the right hemisphere we can compose various stories. The right hemisphere is also responsible for the ability to music and art. Usually one of the hemispheres human is dominant, which is reflected in individual personality traits. For example, left-hemisphere people are more drawn to science. Hemispheric are more likely to engage in art or areas of activity requiring individual imaginative solutions. The vast majority of great creators – composers, writers, poets, musicians, artists, etc. – “right-hemispheric” people. All modern civilization is predominantly left hemisphere. All learning in our culture is focused on people with a dominant left hemisphere. Alas, most people ignore the innumerable possibilities lurking in the right half of the brain. Still there is still an underestimation of the meaning of intuition and intuitive knowledge. The child is initially pronounced hemisphere creature, but the left hemisphere is gradually starting to connect brain and from about the age of two years the most important functions (primarily speech). In this regard, several words about the early education of children, becoming more and more fashionable. Is always Is it justified? Maybe in this case it is so an important principle of education, as timeliness. Tatyana Wesel in his article “Left-handed – is it good or bad?” (magazine “Motherhood”) writes: “Recently, the mod for early learning is gaining strength. Parents compete, demonstrating the ability of children to read, write and count. Vigorously encouraging the early activity of the left hemisphere, they literally raping children, stimulating his activity, even if this activity is not. If the right hemisphere manages to win left to accumulate the necessary luggage, then everything is in order. If not, then left hemisphere roll can “block” the right brain, leaving forever the psyche of a given person is depleted. It will be harder for him become yourself, which means a unique, unique creation, what all people originally conceived. “So early development children has not only pluses, but also cons. But these “minuses” can be avoid if you strive to ensure that both hemispheres of the brain in the child worked harmoniously. And for this you need exactly harmonious development, without a narrow specialized focus, which means it is necessary to deal not only with the development of the child’s intelligence, but also his emotional and physical development. The benefits of harmonious the work of the cerebral hemispheres is huge. This is a kind of key, allowing you to open the door, behind which are huge human potential. There are also special exercises aimed at developing the right hemisphere. Will describe here are some of them. Photo from open sources 1. Visualization exercises. When you have a free minute, put the child next to you and suggest a little fantasy. Let’s close our eyes and imagine a white sheet of paper in which it is written in capital letters your name. Imagine that the letters have turned blue … And now – red, and now green. Let it be green, but a piece of paper suddenly became pink, and now yellow. Now listen: someone is calling you by name. Guess whose voice it is, but don’t tell anyone, sit quietly. Imagine that someone sings your name and plays around music. Let’s listen! And now we touch your name. What is it to the touch? Soft? Rough? Warm? Fluffy? All have names various. Now we will taste your name. Is it sweet? A maybe with sourness? Cold as ice cream or warm? we learned that our name can have color, taste, smell and even be somehow to the touch. Now open the eyes. But the game is not yet over. Ask the child to tell about his name, that he seen, heard and felt. Help him a bit, remind the task and be sure to encourage: “How interesting!”, “Well, you must!”, “Never I wouldn’t think that you have such a wonderful name! “. Story over. We take pencils and ask to draw a name. Baby can draw whatever he wants, the main thing is that the picture reflects the image name. Let the child decorate the drawing, use as much as possible colors. But do not drag out this activity. Important to finish drawing in strictly defined time. Then you yourself think how much to take to draw – a slow baby needs about twenty minutes, and the haste will draw everything in five minutes. The drawing is ready. Let baby will explain what these or other details mean that he tried to draw. If it’s hard for him to do this, help: “What is it painted on? And what is it? And why did you draw this? “Now the game is over, you can relax. You probably guessed what its essence is. We spent child in all senses: vision, taste, smell, forced get involved in activity and imagination, and speech. So all brain zones were supposed to take part in the game. Now you can to invent other games built on the same principle. For example: “Flower Name” – we draw a flower that we could call by your name; “I am an adult” – we try to imagine and draw ourselves adults (how I will be dressed, how I say that I do, how I walk and so Further); “Imaginary gift” – let the baby give imaginary presents to your friends, and tells you how they look, smell what touch. You’re stuck in traffic, taking a long train ride, miss at home or in the queue for a doctor – play the offered games. The kid is delighted and does not buzz: “I am bored, but when finally … “and the parental heart rejoices – the child is developing! We offer you one more visualization exercise, which called “Erasing stressful information from memory.” Suggest child sit down, relax and close his eyes. Let him introduce there’s a blank album sheet, pencils, an eraser. Now invite your child to mentally draw a negative situation on the sheet, which must be forgotten. Then ask, again mentally, take an eraser and begin to erase the situation. Wash it is necessary until the picture disappears from the sheet. Thereafter open your eyes and check: close your eyes and submit the same sheet of paper – if the picture has not disappeared, you need again mentally take the eraser and erase the picture to the full disappearances. Exercise is recommended to be repeated periodically. 2.Ear-to-nose. With your left hand, grab the tip of the nose, and with your right hand, opposite ear i.e. left. Simultaneously release your ear and nose, clap your hands and change the position of the hands so that is already right held on to the tip of the nose, and the left – on the opposite, i.e. right an ear. 3. “Ring”. Alternately and very quickly we sort out the fingers, connecting the index, middle, into a ring with a thumb, nameless, little finger. First you can with each hand separately, then at the same time with two hands. 4. “Mirror painting.” Put on table a blank sheet of paper, take a pencil. Draw at the same time with both hands mirror-symmetrical drawings, letters. When doing this exercise you should feel relaxation of the eyes and hands, because with the simultaneous work of both Hemisphere improves overall brain performance. By the way when you do something with both hands at the same time, for example, playing a musical instrument or even typing on keyboard, both hemispheres work. So this is also peculiar training. It’s still useful to do the usual actions of a non-host hand and the other. Those. righties can live the life of lefties, and lefties accordingly, vice versa, become right-handed. For example, if you usually brush your teeth, holding the brush in your left hand, then periodically shift it to the right. If you write with your right hand, shift handle to the left. It is not only useful, but also fun. And the results such training will not take long.