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In New Zealand, the third largest river Wanganui received legal human rights, that is, formally became The human river.
The local Maori tribe sought this from the government of New Zealand for almost a century and a half, and finally these efforts were crowned success. As the natives themselves say, for example, Gerrard Albert, being an authoritative representative of the tribe, the Wanganui River is Maori ancestor, one with the local population. Moreover, the river constantly showing his mind and his concern for the tribe, she can be angry and happy, keep quiet and talk, so she even more than a man. So why the river cannot in this case have at least the same rights as any New Zealander?
The news is that a law has been passed recognizing Wanganui as a person (law entered into force on March 15 of this year) accepted by the Maori tribe with joy, and the whole population of New Zealand with silent approval. Now the river has acquired two trustees in the face government and the tribe itself, so long sought this the law. For example, the government allocated $ 80 million for work on the renovation of the reservoir, as well as a million dollars – to create relevant legal framework.
Note that the Maori tribe is the indigenous people of New Zealand, who lived here from time immemorial before the Europeans came here. Today natives make up only 15 percent of the total New population Zealand – approximately 600 thousand people.