Rock carvings – petroglyphs prove contacts of ancient people with aliens

Rock paintings - petroglyphs prove contacts of ancient people with aliensA photo from open sources

The most amazing thing is that petroglyphs depicting on a stone strange (at least) aircraft for ancient people, aliens in spacesuits, other things that do not fit into our understanding of the knowledge of humanity of those distant ages, found in different parts of our planet.

For example, halo over the heads of aliens (humanoid creatures), vimana on which they move through the air, completely identical in cave paintings, separated from each other at great distances and even separated by oceans (at different continents).

This is why many independent researchers conclude that our ancestors were in contact with aliens, and it was everywhere throughout the earth. Incomprehensible in this case for we are becoming the fact why today aliens do not go to contact with earthlings? However, this is another question, but for now we We suggest you look at cave paintings (petroglyphs), which prove all of the above.

A photo from open sources

Pay attention to the artistic reproduction of one and petroglyphs discovered in Japan on the island of Joto in 1957. This cave painting was found in a mountain maze.

A photo from open sources

Rock carvings from many petroglyphs of Kazakhstan, this discovered in the tract Tamgaly-Tas. And although Kazakhstan and Japan are separated thousands of kilometers, it seems that people living on a huge distance from each other, saw in the sky the same aliens vimana.

A photo from open sources

No less interesting and indicative in terms of uniformity (with all other terrestrial cave paintings of this nature) petroglyphs, found in Pakistan – in the Indus Valley.

A photo from open sources

And here is a rock painting in the form of a rocket (Altai, natural boundary Kalbak-Tash) and does show us that the ancient people did not see only flying vimanas, but also space rockets, very similar to modern earthly.


However, one cannot say one hundred percent that aliens today have no contact with the inhabitants of the planet Land:

  • firstly, people often see them and even take pictures of them and videos
  • secondly, aliens often take people for some own goals, and some of these “returnees” may well be evidence of such contacts;
  • thirdly, as conspiracy theorists prove, aliens have long been are in contact with the governments of superpowers (controversial, but not ruled out).

And finally, we don’t even know how the aliens contacted ancient inhabitants of our planet. Most likely introducing themselves to them gods (hence, probably, the halo above the heads of the gods and saints – their minions). But is such contact possible today? Rather all, no. And apparently, we still haven’t deserved another, since we have a purely pragmatic interest in an alien today – get their technology and use it to strengthen domination of a handful of earthlings over the rest of humanity (who of highly developed civilizations will do this?).

Kazakhstan Petroglyphs Missiles Japan

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