Roerich and myths of Chintamani Stone

Spouses Nicholas and Elena Roerich are known in the world as followers of the new way of knowing the subtle world created by them, called by them Agni Yoga or the Teaching of Living Ethics. One of problems traditionally addressed by many others mystical doctrines, for the Roerichs a prophecy about the future Savior of mankind. This topic found expression also in paintings of Nicholas Roerich and his youngest son Svyatoslav – “Treasure Mira – Chintamani “and” Chintamani “. Roerich and Myths of Chintamani StonePhotos from open sources 1. Stone far world All ups and downs associated with the legend of Chintamani Stone, described in detail in his article of the same name by T.I. Murashkina. I will give excerpts from her: “The legend of the Stone came to the Roerichs in September 1923, in it it was said: “Store the Stone in the Ark brought from Rothenburg. It has four squares with the sign “M”. The phenomenon will be clear when I I’ll say – the way of the four to the East … The time is coming, the timing are being executed. The fate of fate is recorded when from the West voluntarily The stone will come. We affirm to wait and understand the Stone path. We approve to understand the destined carriers of the Stone going home. The ship is ready! The New Country will go to the meeting of the Seven Stars under the sign of Three Stars, who sent the Stone to the world. The treasure is ready and the enemy will not take gold covered shield! Wait for the Stone! “October 6, 1923 in Paris The Roerichs received the Ark with the Stone. This episode of their life is described by N.K. in the “Milestones” essay: “… There was an indication that it would turn out very valuable package. The time has passed. Our friends have already forgotten about it. circumstance, having arrived in Paris. Once from the Beckers Trust Bank bring a notification of the receipt of the package. It turned out that the most unusual package was delivered in the usual way. how see, it happens. “Chintamani is a fragment of the main Stone, which is located in the Himalayas and is a cosmic magnet, possessing enormous penetrating power of the mental and spiritual effects on the minds of people. His most incomprehensible and the mysterious property is energy rhythm. This is the rhythm of our Heart The universe, which is located in the space of the constellation Orion. IN to the essay “Stone” Nikolai Konstantinovich writes: “On the stone are indicated signs that either appear or go deep. A rock warns its temporary owner of any significant events. The stone makes a crack in special cases. Becomes especially heavy or, conversely, lose weight. Sometimes a stone starts shine. The stone is sometimes brought to the new owner completely unexpectedly by some strangers. A stone has many qualities, not without reason about all kinds of traditions and songs are composed of it. He is mentioned in medieval historical and scientific research. In the Himalayas, in Tibet and Mongolia constantly have to meet with references about this innermost miracle. “The stone is associated with the feminine and marks the era of Women – the era of the Mother of the World. It is through this the stone, entrusted to E.I. Roerich, coordinated the rhythm of its energy organism with the rhythm of the Heart of the Universe. Earthly woman’s heart assimilating the fiery-spiritual rhythms of the Heart of the Cosmos, connected the Earth and Higher Plans. This experience has planetary-cosmic significance in the strength of its unusualness cannot be appreciated by the current generation in due measure. It was an experience connecting Worlds … From others sources we can find out that the casket has become the ark for a meteorite, sent from Orion. In Asia, this stone is known as Chintamani, Norbu Rimpoche is the Treasure of the World, and in Europe as the holy grail. It is known that the stone has the shape of a flattened fetus or heart elongated shape. The stone itself comes, it is impossible to take it. All the great unifiers and founders of the states owned it. Kournovu – The Great Ruler of Atlantis – wore this Stone, enclosing crystal of life, on top of all the gold jewelry. King Solomon ordered to recapture part of the stone and insert into a silver ring, with who never parted. On the stone was painted “bowl wisdom shone with flame. “He owned the Stone and Akbar – the great unifier of India. Emperor of China built for the Treasure of the World Temple of turquoise sky color. The East is full of legends about the Gift of Orion. One of them – the legend of the White Horse “Erdeni Mori”, carrying the great a gem of Wisdom, the light of which scatters darkness: “On the edge of the abyss, at a mountain stream, in the evening fog appear outlines of a horse. The rider is not visible. Something unusual sparkles on saddle. Maybe it’s a horse lost by a caravan? Or maybe, he threw the rider, jumping over the abyss? Maybe this the horse, weakened, was thrown in the way and now, having rested, he is looking owner? This is how reason thinks, but the heart remembers something else. Heart remembers how from Great Shambhala, from the sacred mountain heights in the destined hour the lonely horse will come down, and on his saddle instead of a rider will shine Treasure of the world: Norbu Rimpoche – Chintamani – Wonderful Stone, Peace Savior. Has the time come? Does a horse bring us lonely Treasure of the World? “Nikolai Konstantinovich wrote that the symbol the white horse is held in the legends and tales of various nations. “Erdeni Mori has long walked, and his treasure shines. At sunrise and on everything dies down at sunset, which means that somewhere a great horse passes white, carrying a treasure. “” As long as the peoples know about the destined treasure, they still remain on the right track. Their way, even if long, and unusual, is inevitable. As inevitable as service improvement. Someone’s tales. Someone come true. Someone will be afraid. A someone will expand the pages of the book brought “.” In the sagas we know the heroes on white horses. “” We saw the white horse of St. Egorius. “” We saw white horses of Flora and Lavra. “” We saw the white horses of the Lithuanian god Svetovita. “” On the white horses, the Valkyries raced. “” We heard about the horse Hesser Khan even saw on the rocks of Tibet the blows of his horseshoes. “” They knew Himavat horse – with the fiery burden of Chintamani. “” The Great The walls are marked by a wonderful legend. To protect the state a white horse was launched; and where this bright messenger passed, there through all the ridges the Great Wall was erected. Again white. “It is the white horse in the legends that belongs to the hero. the white horse is left alone to walk, bringing great news. ” Repeatedly Nikolai Konstantinovich portrayed the legendary Horse happiness and on his canvases. Two of them are in museums of his Name: in New York and in Moscow … “Such is, in short, the history of the Stone Chintamani. 2. Stars, Races, and Mystic Teachings Announced mystics of different eras and peoples and prophecies repeated by the Roerichs about Chintamani Stone would not have been particularly noticed – the world is crowded all sorts of predictions of the future, if not for their popularization with the help of literature created in a printing way, and not art craft successfully present in family life Roerichs. However, this did not help to develop at least part of a certain long-held cosmogonic doctrine – revealing the principles of life, existing in the subtle worlds around the earth. The very first problem which the mystics of antiquity, and after them the Roerichs, should understand before announcing the unusual role of the Chintamani Stone, connected with the existence of the Elevated Races (following the generally accepted terminology) within the manifestation of the Earth’s energy field. The fact is that, according to the widespread in the East Buddhist doctrine – declaring that the races of the inhabitants of thin worlds participate in the life of many planets (including the Earth), replacing each other; in addition, each race has its own special tasks in organization of earthly life for the period of manifestation – it turns out that The races of the inhabitants of the subtle worlds somehow confusedly participated in the organization life of the Earth as a whole, and especially confused they appear in the annals earthly human civilization. Externally, The Racial Theory of Buddhism looks attractive: first Race (selected Spirits planet) created the Earth, while she lived exclusively in the subtle the world; subsequent developed on Earth some principles of life and organized on the planet something special, different even in the physical world of the earth; and complete the earthly evolution of the race, which almost similar to the race-parent of the Earth, but only the task she the exact opposite is to exclude the occurrence of chaos in the Cosmos after “spraying” the Earth into subtle energies. However external the impression is misleading, and if you follow a non-religious bias, but just the simple logic of the earthly mind, then this the doctrine of every literate person must cause, as minimum, perplexed by its sheer foolishness. I’ll start with that many of the creators of the theory of the Races of the Earth ranked themselves as adherents of the teachings of Buddha. However, historical chronicles point to that the Buddha himself left to his followers only Four The truths of Being. Everything Else Doctrine Content early and especially modern Buddhism took over followers of the prophet. In this regard, many historians modernity – among them, in particular, the famous Soviet historian Lev Gumilyov, who tried to create a Unified World History by linking it causality with cosmic cycles – are set natural for the mind any researcher (but not religious dogma) the question: how it turned out that the farther in time from the era of manifestation in the earth the body of Buddha himself, the teaching he created grew out of the Four The Universal Truths of Being into the most extensive and detailed mystical doctrine? The explanation for this riddle can be given the simplest. It consists in the fact that the followers of Buddha made a mistake, characteristic of all teachings. Firstly, they did not understand the essence and contents of the Buddha Testament. If the prophet himself deemed it appropriate to leave earthlings after their ascension is just a memory of The Four Truths of Life, therefore, was his Decree. And reason here that the Buddha did not provide for something – that means question his whole existence in the earthly body as the Prophet and the Principle itself, which the Buddha followed in his life. It follows that the followers of Buddha, each time introducing in different era additions to the teachings of Buddhism, have left the Way of the Buddha and took up self-seeking. But in order to give these mystical authority studies, every time it was stated that all this occurred by decree of the Spirit of the Buddha himself. Check this statement It was not possible, because the literacy of the population on The East to this day remains at an extremely low level. If talk about the mystical savvy of the inhabitants of the East, then she also far from the subtle knowledge traditionally attributed to the peoples of Asia worlds. Another major issue that was completely ignored the creators of the now widespread theory of the Elevated Rasah, associated with their ignorance of one of the most important principles life of the subtle worlds, which is as follows. At birth of each individual rational individual ego in the universe this new Life receives an individual star task. It can stored in the memory of each star resident. Or become a part the starry life of an entire race of inhabitants of the subtle worlds, in the case when a certain ego with his task, according to seniority and his life experience, becomes the guiding principle of the life of the whole race. IN in this case, any individual stellar assignment to the founder of the Race becomes a stellar mission for the entire race. Execution logic of every stellar errand in the subtle worlds is that each star resident needs not only to personally participate in creating the conditions for the implementation of the Plan of the Race, but also personally responsible both for the execution (or delay) of all orders, and for demagnetization of all effects that occur after use stellar energy spent on each of the assignments. Thus, each inhabitant of the subtle worlds, appearing in one or another region of space, knows about what to part with region of the universe, he has the right only after the final studies of all the consequences that arose in this and neighboring areas space after using subtle energies. In that the Principle of Star Responsibility for Life is manifested. This is the principle akin to equality among all stellar residents. In other words, the one who begins the creation of any new manifestation of Life in the Universe, bears individual responsibility as for the entire period the existence of this phenomenon, and for the purification of the cosmos from any chaotic manifestations after the completion of the cycle of existence specified Phenomenon. That is, a kind of “star conveyor” with creating planets – when some people start, while others continue someone started a business and complete it – in subtle worlds it cannot be basically. Only a time-limited earthly mind sees life like this, who do not know the terms of life longer than the period the existence of the earthly physical body of man. All this proves that the creators of the Racial Doctrine did not have an understanding and the content of life of the races of the inhabitants of the subtle worlds and could not see Racial streams of stellar energy by which the Races help each other during the execution of stellar errands. No less inconsistencies with the study of the legend of the great gift of our distant starry world Earth in the form of a special Chintamani Stone – or better yet, frank misunderstanding of the problem as a whole, – arises, if we consider its content for the search for understanding in it the connection of the life of the Elevated Races (both around the Earth and far from it) and phenomena of ordinary life surrounding earthly humanity. 3. Star wanderer Chintamani First, the authors of the legend about Chintamani (and these are many generations of mystics, moreover, from different peoples) there is not the slightest idea about the connection between the Earth and the Solar systems in general with other star systems. Short problem boils down to the following. The solar system, as in the physical (visible by the ordinary human eye), and in the subtle world, is one from subsystems (with its clear and long-established rhythm of life) vast megasystem of stars known to mankind in the form galactic education milky way. Not so long ago – literally 1-2 years ago – modern science as a result of intense studying the biorhythm of Earth’s life has determined that it is the center the Milky Way galaxy is the master generator for life on the ground. This means that it is from the center of the Milky Way that come vibrations to the Earth that predetermined global and less significant rhythms of activity for all processes on our planet. However, space legends there is no mention of role and influence The milky way to earth time and everything happening on earth, processes. Instead, the authors of cosmogenesis have come up with a leading role for life on Earth, in the form of the engine of its evolution, from the constellation Orion. This circumstance immediately indicates that none of those who supported the legend of Chintamani Stone, did not have the ability to see Racial Rays. At that time, how exactly they just happen transfer of all types of energy in the subtle worlds, but not in any way objects – for example, comets or stones. For the Rays Rays in There are no barriers to space either in the form of time or in the form of distances. For many of these Rays created the Racial currents of subtle energies that were created not just one-time phenomena in subtle worlds, but recreated (and, many times) many star worlds, sometimes much larger than known to modern humanity Universe. Move on. In addition to a complete lack of quality the subtlest view, the mystics who created the legend of Chintamani, do not there were also own flights in the subtle worlds to distant starry worlds. Otherwise, the authors of a false legend would never have called constellations of Orion, not even the very name of the stars used earth scientists. The fact is that for flying to distant stellar worlds need to have a stellar RIGHT to fly beyond the limits of the Solar system. Such a right can be obtained if you know your race, the Rays which created at one time life on Earth. There are such races three. Each of these three Races has its own individual Rays. communication with distant worlds. So it turns out that in order to fly far away and then be able to go back to Earth, the mental body needs to manage its vibrations in time, tuning in first to those vibrations of the Racial Rays with which they kept in touch with their kindred star worlds, and then – to those vibrations of the same Racial Rays through which distant star worlds sent help to all the inhabitants of the subtle worlds in the limits of the solar system. All these vibrations contain their accommodations. in the form of images for the earthly mind (they are necessary for transmission information to the earthly mind) and even symbols for writing, which each of the Races is obliged to develop, being present on our planet. Studying each of the many, many during mental flights adverbs of the once-living civilizations on the planet Earth, dedicated to the karma of his race is obliged to live the whole history of his race and to know everything its ties with each of the earth’s regions and those who lived in their vastness by people. Knowing this, such a person has the right to defend his Racial connection and call events, objects and phenomena in earthly life or from life of the subtle worlds around the Earth with the names that became known for his personal touch of his Racial Ray. Alas, in these Racial Rays there is neither Orion, nor, for example, Eurasia, nor the majority other names of stars that are now heard by mankind. Knowing all of these energy bonds within the Racial Rays can be further do not touch the text of the legend of Chintamani, as she tells about the extraordinary role in cosmogenesis of a special stone. Such an indication reveals the complete dependence of the authors of the legend O Chintamani from their own earthly mind. Since space processes in the subtle worlds and life in general cannot be attached to objects from the physical worlds as some evolving factors. The Bible mentions that God created the very body of planet Earth for one day. Today, if there is a large the number of literate residents, who, unlike their long-standing predecessors, a more revolutionary worldview about life in space, it can be clarified that the process of creation of the earth in the subtle world with just one Racial Ray – and the Races around the Earth, I recall, Three – takes no more than 1 second in terms of the current earth time. And immediately Three Rays of the Three Races, united in full harmony can accelerate this process many thousands of times. However the whole problem with the creation of each new planet comes down to to protect from chaos (and often even from indignation) nearby the space around the space where the appearance is planned new starry body. By analogy with circles on the water, every time appearing on its surface after a stone falls into it, in outer space when creating new planets such circles should not arise. This circumstance just requires the inhabitants of subtle worlds experienced touch their Rays of everything that they only touch in space. Speaking of the falsity of the legend of Chintamani, you can still point out the role of the horse in it. This circumstance indicates typical behavior of an earthly mind living with violence against others his world. As you know, the perfect man of the Earth, by what, for example, Buddha appeared, does not engage in violence and subjugation of his to the will of any circumstances and rhythms of vibrations external to his consciousness (both in the subtle and in the physical world) that can slow down his flights to distant starry worlds. Since every touch is a stranger vibration leads to complicity in it, and from this appears responsible for the very existence of this vibration. Last thing circumstance is always connected with the periods during which or other vibrations have the right to be present in space. So u of the Earth’s man there is a duty to protect every life vibration, if he entered into harmony with her, so that indicated by this vibration timing could be realized. If these terms are violated, then the person present at the same time is obliged to shift his earthly way, because he could not live his past rhythm of life so so as not to disturb the surrounding space. Summarizing, it should be said that if some prophet intends to be in the future to become the Savior of the Earth, then he will have to stay away not only from the horse (the horse has its own life span, and it is much shorter human life, therefore, after the physical death of a horse the prophet who tied his earthly path to the horse’s body and mind doesn’t there will be more rights to continue their progress on the planet in the same physical body, since with the death of a horse one of the principles will disappear earthly life of the prophet; the prophet may return to his high mission, but in another earthly body and in other regions of the planet), but also from many other benefits of terrestrial civilization. Since many items from everyday life included in the life of the prophet (for example, same saddle for a horse from the legend of Chintamani), also have the Racial connections – accordingly, they can have individual destinations for the implementation of which each time its deadlines. And any violation of any of these factors will result to a shift in the life path of a person who had a stable connection with one or another subject. So a beautiful mystical legend Chintamani Stone really has no purpose. It can only help children, in order to awaken in them the desire for flying to distant stars. But to everyone who is looking for a way closer him to the secrets of the subtle worlds, and who wants to overcome the line, separating the earthly understanding of life from mental insight, you should be aware of the false aspirations of earthly minds of authors who composed the legend of Chintamani. Argure, Fiery Buda, First Prior Order of St. Malta. Judan San.

Time Universe Life Stones Milky Way Solar System Tibet Evolution

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