Russia disconnected the Pentagon GPS

A photo from open sources PHOTO: globallookpress Roscosmos blocked the possibility of using for military purposes 11 ground Stations of the American GPS satellite navigation system. About it reported in the press service of the space department. “According on behalf of the Russian government Roscosmos together with Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations June 1, 2014 measures are taken to exclude the use of information from stations global seismographic network operating on the signal system GPS and located in the Russian Federation, for purposes not stipulated by current agreements, including military goals, “- said in a statement by Roscosmos. In mid-May Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, speaking about forthcoming measures in response to sanctions by the United States, did not rule out that from June 1 on the territory Russia will be disabled GPS stations. The reason for making this decisions, according to Rogozin, was Washington’s refusal to post on US territory stations of the Russian GLONASS system. As reported Deputy Prime Minister, the stations should have been temporarily stopped located in the Kaluga and Sverdlovsk regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yakutia, Irkutsk, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Sakhalin that are related to seismic transmission information to US authorities.

“Although they are called GPS stations, they are not related to receiving a domestic signal for navigation systems, and to transmit to US Department of Homeland Security Seismic Services seismic information, “the Deputy Prime Minister explained then, specifying that the stations are located along the Northern Sea Route. Signals from other GPS stations, assured Rogozin, “repeatedly overlap the loss of these stations. “” Our navigation users systems will not feel the difference. “The American military will feel, and Russian civilians – no, “he stressed. Rogozin’s statement the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov was perplexed. is he admitted that he was surprised by such a decision, and expressed doubt about his expediency. The minister did not rule out that Rogozin’s statements – Deputy Prime Minister’s personal initiative. In response, he wrote in his Twitter: “Just a friend just a little off topic.” In turn, spokeswoman for the prime minister, Natalya Timakova, said that all decisions and measures voiced by Rogozin agreed with the government and personally with its head, Dmitry Medvedev.


Roscosmos Russia USA

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