A photo from open sources
In the North America the Atlantic Ocean freezes, with alarm Journalists write in cars in Massachusetts aren’t just it is covered with snow – they literally freeze into ice (see video below). The blame was, according to meteorologists, “explosive cyclone “or the most powerful storm that caused an unprecedented cooling on the continent.
A photo from open sources
The most amazing thing is that on the Internet the Internet immediately began to raise the issue of climate weapons that Russia allegedly possesses, which it turns out that Putin froze the Americans. But is it?
If you listen to the conspiracy theorists, the United States also has a climate weapons in the form of HAARP, which is located in Alaska. In this case, why don’t americans apply it now as a response blow against the “climate attack” from the Russian Federation? After all, in Russia, on the contrary, the weather is mild and very favorable for winter – right grace of the lord! Would the United States miss this opportunity? Yes never!
From this we can conclude that no one in our world has not yet possesses such weapons, although scientific developments in this direction both in the USA and Russia, I think, and China is not far behind in this plan, not to mention Japan and other advanced countries. But … for now this is unrealistic, and life itself is the best confirmation of this.
A photo from open sources
But what is happening recently with North America, and Western Europe is worth mentioning, since here also began, as they say, God knows what. No coincidence some Analysts and forecasters say that the cause of natural, economic and other anomalies (for the EU, for example, these are terrible migration processes) may be the intervention of the USA and countries European Union in the affairs of Russia – a country that has always been under patronage of higher powers (remember all attempts to put the Slavs on your knees, how did they end?). Now they want Russia again to make an extreme in all world troubles, to bring it back to its knees. The past three years have shown that the United States and EU countries are not very it turns out – like it would be necessary to draw a conclusion and change the policy. But no, stubbornness, as the driving force of madmen, dominates in the world today. And therefore, it is quite possible that higher powers began tighten the nuts even more, as an answer against continuous aggressive policy of the West.
Yes, it could be a coincidence, an accident, if not for one “but” – in this world, as true sages say, there is no accidents, everything obeys a strict plan in it cause and effect relationships, which in the East are called karma …
Time Life Russia USA