A photo from open sources This document project shows how Russia is pursuing a systematic policy of gradual economic and political strangulation of the United States of America.
The first is the struggle to establish full control over The International Monetary Fund, which is now in its hands USA. If Russia in alliance with China and India (a group of BRICS countries) does not will be able to squeeze the United States in this area, then turn on another mechanism is the strangulation of the dollar, which for the US will be a loss where more than the IMF. Therefore, the White House has something to choose from. angry
In case the International Monetary Fund passes under control Russia, then Ukraine will immediately be blown away like a soap bubble, it’s already there will be nowhere to wait for economic assistance, and, most likely, its real leaders will bow to Putin and the Ukrainian people finally tell the truth about his friendly eastern neighbor and the intricacies of the United States in the desire to push our peoples foreheads to warm ourselves in this slaughterhouse. That’s just who will be responsible for thousands of killed in the civil war and hundreds of thousands of crippled fates Ukrainians?
Secondly, in Russia, more and more sane people are becoming, who already understand that it’s more profitable to keep money not in offshore, but at home, that the capital abroad for the Russians are not provided the slightest guarantee. For the West, any Russian is a hog, which can be slaughtered at any time. And therefore, these capitals gradually returning to their homeland and begin to work on Russia.
Thirdly, the ruble is increasingly becoming independent of oil, this is facilitated to some extent by reform in the banking system Russian Federation. As for the price of oil itself and fuss beside her, then Saudi Arabia, which made such a move with a horse, achieves only one thing – to strangle shale oil producers, in in particular, the American tycoons of this emerging industry. And her this scenario is almost a success. If the US does not unleash a war in Saudi Arabia, the shale business will not remain by the end of this year and oil price will rise again. And if they do untie, then the price of oil will jump fantastically. Both that, and another for Russia will be profitable economically. So she will come out of this crisis certainly a winner.
The film raises another very interesting and important question – about the struggle of world powers for the Arctic and its wealth. But about all this best to see the documentary project itself. It’s not only useful in terms of education and getting very interesting information. For Russians, for example, such information is simply balm for the soul …
War Russia USA