Russia will put an end to marine hegemony USA

A photo from open sources

03/31/2015 information appeared in the press that Russia had embarked for marine tests of a non-volatile power plant (VNEU). To non-specialists this short message does not say anything. A because it marks the decline of the era of American dominance in the World the ocean.

Until now, most of all existing submarines are divided into two types: atomic and diesel. Each has its own advantages and their flaws.

Nuclear submarines

Since 1957, nuclear boats have been the striking force of everyone submarine fleet. They have many advantages: practically unlimited time under water, high speed, immersion depth, weapons. However, all these advantages crosses out just one drawback: noise.

Turbines, generators, pumps, associated with a nuclear reactor, refrigeration units “give out” a submarine. Very hard for her become invisible. Acoustics of the enemy, listening to the depths of the sea, Having discovered the nuclear submarines, they track every sea a mile.

Diesel electric submarines

Submarine equipped with a diesel engine, practically silent Battery powered electric motors do not require high-noise equipment. But the time spent under DEPL water only a few days. The boat needs to be periodically pop up to recharge the batteries. Moves under water DEPL slowly, saving energy, underwater life is not exceeds 400 miles.

TTX determine tactics

Technical features of boats determine the tactics of underwater war. A nuclear submarine can scour the ocean for prey or lie down months at the bottom, awaiting a combat order. DEPL forced rely on intelligence and goes on a mission, already having a specific purpose, knowing the place and time of its appearance. In a given area DEPL goes to above water and plunges directly to attack.

New Type Submarines

Submariners have always dreamed of a submarine, with the merits of a nuclear submarine and DEPL and without their inherent flaws. Engineers saw a way out creating engines that do not need to work in atmospheric in the air. Work on such engines began at the beginning of the last century, each country went its own way. In 1988, the Swedes opened the era of VNEU, installing on the submarine “Nakken” non-volatile Stirling engine.

In 1997, they began mass production of the Gotland submarines, equipped with VNEU. In 2007, the Swedes leased Gottlieb to the United States. IN currently submarines equipped with VNEU, except Sweden are still made in Germany.

Russian response

It is clear that with Russia, neither Swedes nor Germans with their developments were not going to share. Therefore, in Russia they went their own way, deciding create VNEU based on an electrochemical generator. Development was engaged in the Central Design Bureau MT Rubin. And now the installation is created, passed bench tests, and the military began sea tests. The next step is the introduction of VNEU.

Unlike German, Russian VNEU provides more long time under water – 25 days against German 20. The Russian installation is much cheaper than the German one. Noisiness Russian submarine equipped with VNEU will be lower than that of “Varshavyanka”, which the Americans nicknamed the “black hole” for her “invisibility”.

Balance swung towards Russia

Both Swedish and German VNEU submarines are essentially coastal small submarines performing tactical missions. Russia, on the other hand, intends to put VNEU on Lada equipped except for torpedoes 10 vertical launchers. According to Vice Admiral Viktor Patrushev 4-6 such submarines are quite capable control the waters of the Baltic or Black Sea.

As for the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans, equipped with VNEU “Lada” will create a serious US Navy in this region Problems. And earlier Soviet dizeluhi managed to break through the defense American aircraft carriers and pop up in front of stunned American admirals. Only a small reserve of underwater Soviet submarines, minor armament and impossibility being under water for more than 3 days was given to the American navy a chance to maintain their advantage in these regions.

But equipped with VNEU “Lada” practically nullify the naval power of the USA. Star-striped carriers will no longer be proud swim where I want and when I want, spreading Washington all over the world democracy in the bomb bay of their bombers.

Water Time Russia USA

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