A photo from open sources
Residents of Western Europe consider the Russian language very difficult for studies, while the linguists there (even the most ardent Russophobes) recognize that he is surprisingly rich, expressive, flexible and universal. However, almost all Westerners explain this perfection. quite easily, they say, the Russian language managed to absorb the best from European languages. And really, you start to study English, and there are a lot of similar words. The same goes for other European languages.
But here’s the strange thing: according to the official scientific doctrine, Russian man appeared in the historical arena relatively late and as if from nowhere, nevertheless he possessed a linguistic genius and managed to surpass lexically highly developed to time European nations. Isn’t it more logical to assume that this Europeans adjacent to the vast Tartaria (we will only mention it in passing, since we do not set the task here to restore the true history of Russia), borrowed words from the parent language more developed civilization?
A photo from open sources
It is also appropriate to assume that people settled first mainland Eurasia and only then the island of Great Britain, and not vice versa. And therefore, not Russians (residents of ancient Tartaria) adopted the English word “stand” to mean the concept of “stand”, but just the opposite; the same can be said about the Russian concept of “cow” and English “cow”, the Russian word “milk” and English “milk” and etc.
Such parallels can be drawn endlessly, and not only regarding the vocabulary of the British. Turning to the old Russian language, on the basis of which later three related linguistic branches – Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian, you can easily come to conclusion: all other European languages, one way or another, have one same root (see more about this video). It’s simple dialects isolated from the ancient language of Great Tartary. What concerns the ancient Latin proto-language, it was invented by Westerners only in order to completely erase the truth that is objectionable to them: they are also essentially Slavs.
By the way, Western Russophobes, dating back to the time of Peter the Great, tried hard to erase the very history of Tartaria (or Russia, Russia – who more like to call our ancestral home). But if rewrite books on history, literature, art, even religion turned out to be a difficult matter, but still possible, cranking out a similar scam with language was unthinkable. He carries genetic memory, and therefore, despite numerous attempts Westerners to divide and subjugate the Russian people, they have nothing does not work. Apparently, you cannot make slaves of those who you practically learned to speak and think.
Our world is structured so that language plays a dominant role in the formation of human society, the formation of spirituality and culture. That’s why Russian is so difficult for Europeans, which simply did not grow to its high vibrations. They never understand neither the expression “yes, probably,” nor Zhvanetsky’s reprise about crayfish, which are then three, then five rubles, moreover, why it’s so hard to intimidate us, not to mention defeating and destroy …