A photo from open sources
The world’s deepest cave named after a Soviet explorer Alexandra Verevkina, which is located in Abkhazia on the Arabica plateau Gagra mountain range of the Western Caucasus, allowed the Russian cavers set a new record for descent deep into the Earth.
A group of athletes-researchers of the club “Perovo-Speleo” led with Pavel Demidov last month went down to a record depth of 2212 meters, thereby fulfilling his long-standing dream – reach the bottom of this “bottomless mountain well.”
This unique cave was discovered back in 1968 and originally received the code name C-115, and only in 1986 year she was given the normal name – Verevkina cave. Researchers her, mainly members of the caving clubs “Perovo” and “Perovo-speleo”, with 2000 visited this mysterious failure almost every year, sometimes more than once, lower and lower going down to the center of the Earth.
A photo from open sources
This time they finally managed to reach the bottom of the deepest cave world, sinking more than two kilometers inland. Cave quite narrow, this is a kind of cleft in the mountain range, in this once the four Moscow caver had to go down it almost a week. Each of the “scouts of the earth’s depths” carried at this time about 20 kilograms of payload: provisions, equipment, burners and lights and so on. For communication with the remaining on the surface by comrades, brave cavers had to drag for also bays of a television cable. Researchers spent the night caves in stone niches.
A photo from open sources
Despite the narrow passage of the cave itself, tells Pavel Demidov, a real surprise awaited us below – the present underground “metro”. Contrary to our expectations, at a depth of more than two kilometers the cave was inhabited by all kinds of living organisms, mainly leeches, millipedes and false scorpions that fully adapted to such a deep life for tens of millions of years (their samples raised to the surface for the study of new species of animals of the Earth).
Researchers do not exclude that Abkhazian cave Verevkina connects to the Black Sea, as it is 300 meters lower than ocean level. Now cavers have proved that this the unique crevice of the Caucasus is the deepest cave in the world.
Unusual records Caves Records