Russian painter finished painting Leonardo da vinci

The Russian painter finished the painting of Leonardo da VinciA photo from open sources

“Adoration of the Magi” is an unfinished canvas the legendary Italian artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci. IN 1481 Augustinian monks from the Monastery of San Donato in Scopeto ordered this painting from the painter, but da Vinci had to leave for Milan, and the monks, not wanting to wait for his return, soon ordered the same story with his colleague Filippino Lippi. Both paintings are today at the Uffizi Museum in Florence.

The composition of the unfinished work of da Vinci is unusual and, probably has no world analogues. In the background you can to see the ruins of a palace (possibly a pagan chapel), horse riders, as well as barely outlined water cliffs. In the center the paintings depict the Virgin and newborn Jesus surrounded by pilgrims worshiping God’s son. In addition, the author, throughout appearances, portrayed to the right of the Mother of God a young self.

A photo from open sources

It is unlikely that Leonardo da Vinci suspected that after more than half millennia his work of art will be finished a little-known provincial painter from Russia. Konstantin The door, living in the city of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region, of course, did not have the opportunity to finish the original picture of Italian artist, however, nothing forbade him to recreate “Worship Magi “from scratch based on a sketch of da Vinci, finishing the canvas according to their artistic tastes and interests.

Russian painting, dubbed “Dedication of Leonardo da Vinci “is currently on display at an exhibition in Novokuznetsk Art Museum, where art historians call workshop remaking world-famous paintings very bold and interesting art experiment. It really is because before no one tried to challenge in this way Renaissance genius.

A photo from open sources

Konstantin Dverin painted this canvas for four months, adding to composition many new details. So, before the Blessed Virgin now there is a spring in which the star of Bethlehem shines, and The virgin with a child is surrounded by a very motley crowd, in which, in addition to the pilgrims and the young da Vinci, can be seen angels, animals, artists of Michelangelo, Raphael and Botticelli, and also characters whose appearance was partially borrowed from Dverin’s close friends.

Russia Artists

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