Russian public opinion of the United States has fallen to a record low

Russian public opinion of the United States dropped to a record lowA photo from open sources When people talk about Russia, most people for obvious reasons, they think of a downed MH17 aircraft Malaysian Airlines and the tragic death of hundreds of nothing guilty people. Events around this brutal and unreasonable stocks are just beginning, but they have already created the most serious crisis security in Europe after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Nobody today cannot say with certainty how the situation will develop, but it is possible that Russia and the United States are from simple rivals and competitors will again turn into open enemies. Gallup Institute recently published the results of a new poll, which should pay attention as they indicate dramatic and powerful deterioration of Russian-American relations over the past some years. As the results of the survey show, the attitude of Russians to America is worse today than ever after 2006. If think about this generally downward path of relations between two countries under President George W. Bush (this downward the trajectory convinced Barack Obama of the need for a “reboot”), then it will become clear that the opinion of Russians about the United States today is the worst for the whole the period of the existence of Russia as an independent state after collapse of the Soviet Union. Today 19 out of 20 Russians disapprove relate to the leadership of the United States. Maybe partly it explained by propaganda and a consistently negative view United States in state Russian media information? Yes it is. There is no doubt that such media as Russian newspaper “, Interfax, Channel One and Russia Today, provide impact on public opinion. It would be extremely surprising if the actions of the Russian media had no consequences for public opinion. However people for several years complain about anti-American propaganda. How much do i do Russia, I hear statements that the only reason America’s unpopularity lies in injustice, bias and lack of professionalism of Russian journalists. During this time, the Russians began to travel abroad more often and use the Internet in as an alternative source of information. But despite expanding opportunities for obtaining information, Russian public opinion of America fell to such a low point only in last years. Yes, there are changes in the coverage of events by means media, but I don’t think that such a significant shift and such almost absolute unanimity is explained only by various tricks and manipulations. Why is it important? Well, because it is says that the disagreement of Russians with the American foreign politics has deep roots and is not always associated with unceremonious and Putin’s unpleasant lunges. If, as survey data show, Russians overwhelmingly against the American “leadership”, they will be against him even when they happen change of leadership. The conclusion is as follows. Although currently on understandable reasons, great attention is paid to actions Putin and his closest advisers, there are many reasons to believe that the current crisis is not just a manifestation of personal traits former KGB lieutenant colonel. Rather, this crisis has a lasting and long-term foundation in Russian society (which, for example, with almost unanimous approval met the annexation of the Crimea). This should be borne in mind when we will get out of that new and dangerous situation in which turned out to be.

Mark Adomanis

Vladimir Putin Time Crisis Russia USSR USA

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