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Sak-Aktun – a unique natural phenomenon, the most famous landmark of Mexico. This name belongs to two at once. natural objects: a huge cave and a river flowing in it – the longest underground channel in the world.
The mysterious cave is almost unexplored
Translated “Sak-Aktun” means “white cave”. She is the second longest terrestrial cave system, since extends over three hundred kilometers. In fact, this is enfilade connected by corridors of caves. Sak-Aktun is located in the north Yucatan Peninsula. Its study began only in 1987, since so far less than 1% of the cave has been explored! You can only guess how much interesting t is certainly tasminic yet hidden in it! ..
A photo from open sources
The age of Sak-Aktun exceeds 65 million years. One version of her origin is that once upon our planet a large meteorite collapsed. At the place of its fall formed huge crater, and from it underground scattered in all directions many cracks. Over time, rainwater filled the crater itself, and these numerous cracks, thus forming multi-kilometer underground channel.
Maya Indians knew about the existence of a mysterious underground river and they, it should be noted, treated her with reverence and trepidation. This people believed that underground rivers lead to Shibalba – so Maya called hell.
Legend of Sak-Aktun Cave
There is a legend that it is a descendant of these ancient Indians managed to discover the Sak-Aktun river. One evening, a man named Manu, along with his comrades, returned from hunting from the jungle and fell behind. His disappearance was noticed only when the hunters returned to village, and although dusk was already approaching, people rushed in search. Not finding Manu, they decided that he was dead.
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In fact, the man fell into a thickly overgrown crevice caves and lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he decided that he had died. There was silence and ominous darkness everywhere. Manu believed that ahead the kingdom of the dead awaits him. When there was a sound in silence dripping water, the man strengthened his suspicions and swam along the waters of the underground river. He moved in total darkness, constantly bumping into giant stalactites …
A few days later, Manu began to torment such a voyage. hallucinations: he heard voices everywhere and imagined shadows. The man decided that he was close to the world of the dead, and then suddenly saw the light. Manu swam on him – and emerged among the thick jungle! ..
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Returning to his native village, he told his fellow villagers about his extraordinary adventure and then led to a place where so happily got out into the light. Lighting their way with torches, people descended into the cave froze in admiration at the sight of beauty. Here are the Indians learned about the matchless Sak-Aktun. Before the discovery of her civilized worlds were still centuries …
The magnificent and mysterious Sak-Aktun
The underground channel flows through almost all the halls of Sak-Aktun, only A little less than six kilometers of the cave were “dry.” All without gallery exceptions are a stunning sight: a tall arch, picturesque stalactites and transparent, like crystal, water …
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This cave is by no means lifeless: piranhas, catfish live in the river, blind tetras, and in the surface of the world – Goliath tarantulas, the largest ground spiders. Under normal conditions, these giants eat frogs, toads, lizards, mice, small birds and even small ones with snakes. What they feed in the cave, no one still knows. Perhaps they switched to a “fish menu”, or else they still live underground some creatures that serve as food for goliaths. In a cave bats live, however, it is difficult to assume that tarantulas able to cope with such a large prey, able to besides to fly.
Sak-Aktun attracts many tourists from all over the world. To find themselves in a cave, they must first overcome the road through jungle and then go down into the mysterious depths along the narrow a fifteen meter staircase. But the picture that opens to the eyes people worth every tedious trip!
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However, here you can not only admire the beauty of the underground of the world, but also go snorkeling and get acquainted with underwater landscapes that are beautiful in their own way. By the way, in the way of swimmers and it comes across stalagmite and stalactite rocks, other geological formations.
It is curious that after visiting Sak-Aktun tourists talk about their unusual sensations: people seem to be reborn to life, become spiritually cleaner. Do you want to experience similar feelings? Visit the White Cave and receive generous gifts, cooked for you by nature …
A photo from open sources
Water Mexico Caves Mayan Civilization