A large-scale study involving half a million men and women revealed a link between eating processed meat products and the occurrence of cardiovascular disease and cancer. A photo from open sources
Dangerous dish. (Photo by A. Huber / U. Starke / Corbis.) EPIC study (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) covers 10 countries and 23 cities in Europe. Estimate the impact of meat products on health so far has been quite difficult because there was a mixed effect of lifestyle. Vegetarians often have healthier behaviors than population as a whole: they smoke less often, they are slimmer and physically more active. Only such a large-scale study allowed to separate consequences of eating meat and meat products from the effects of others lifestyle factors. As experts, diet, teeming with processed meat products handling associated with other unhealthy habits. For example, men and women who ate the maximum amount of processed meat, consumed a minimum of fruits and vegetables and often found themselves tobacco dependent. Male meat-eaters also drank more alcohol. In addition, the risk of premature death (increased risk of fatal outcome for all reasons) increased with the increase in the number eaten meat products. The chance to die thanks to cancer or cardiovascular ailments also grew along with volumes of meat, caught in the stomach. This dependence persisted after how interfering factors were taken into account, although residual distortions could not be excluded. Researchers estimate 3% premature deaths could be prevented annually if the daily diet would have lost only 20 grams of meat. However, how authors note that a small amount of red meat only brings benefit, as it is the most important source nutrients and vitamins. Research results will be published in BMC Medicine. Prepared by materials Medical Xpress.
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