Photos from open sources In the depths of the oceans there are still fish, animals and just prehistoric monsters, which, according to orthodox science, or should have died out long ago, or which it simply cannot be there. Therefore, for example, giant Karadag Black Sea snakes are ranked as a legend, although a lot of people, especially Crimeans themselves, they personally observed, for example, how these predatory dragons trap dolphins and easily, as if small fish, eat them.
The prehistoric representatives of the marine fauna include chimera shark. True, this individual has been caught more than once, and it’s good studied, so it does not seem mythical to the scientist. Surprising the truth is that such sharks lived in the seas another four hundred million years ago. But if such a prehistoric monster shark survived, why Do scientists refuse this to other monsters of the underwater world? Only the reason that it is not yet possible to catch them?
A photo from open sources
From a modern shark to a chimera (she is de hydrolac or hedgehog fish) different in that its jaws are completely different, that is, they form one whole with the skull, and therefore it has the usual for us, chewing teeth, while the shark has only sharp, like knives, cutters.
The video shows a ghost shark in the waters of Grenada – near active volcano, due to which scientists examined sea bottom. Suddenly – this creepy hit the camera lens chimera, which by its appearance, and especially by the blind, luminous eyes literally scared scientists. It’s just a terrifying sight consider almost everyone who saw this video. Well, rate it and you…
Sharks Fish Monsters