A photo from open sources Moscow hosted a conference on “Russian liberal experiment: results and analysis.” how it turned out that the results are disappointing – liberalism is alien to the Russian citizen morally and spiritually, and if we do not immediately return to the way Russian Empire, it will soon collapse and perish. By moreover, “in society, the need for an imperial project is huge,” found the best scientific minds. Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Stepan Sulakshin presented a report according to which “liberalism – it’s social racism, which is already leading to the degradation of humanity. ” Sulakshin says liberals intentionally introduce humanity to fallacy trying to imagine liberalism as freedom competition. In fact, no freedom of business exists in nature, doubters, the professor advised to go to the nearest food market. As evidence of insolvency liberalism Sulakshin cited statistics on business freedom in different countries. So, if possible get a building permit Russia in this international ranking took 178th place out of 210. According to Russia has taken business chances of connecting to electricity honorable 117th place. And in the absence of administrative barriers of the Russian Federation moved from 114th place in 2009 to 92nd in 2014. True, the participants in the scientific session did not believe in such a breakthrough and decided that “This is Kremlin officials rating compilers just a bribe given. “Sulakshin recalled that this year a sharp the growth of popular discontent, but the “Crimean” saved. However, new waves of protests will begin to cover Russia as early as next year, and if you leave it as it is, Maidan will come to Moscow as early as 2020 year. Only idiots can think today that things will go in Russia well, “the state model is not viable” and everything is going to collapse, said the professor. But, of course, Russia can still be saved. On the the conference remembered the words of Vasily Rozanov that freedom everyone runs: the worker – to the employer, the woman – to her husband, and, in general, freedom is needed only for the “bully, loot-carrier and pimp”. Doctor Military Sciences, Professor Eugene Derbin believes that for salvation Russia must first return to the roots – after all, the same Protestantism suggests that the rich are pleasing to God, and our Orthodox know that it’s harder for a rich man to go to heaven than a camel to go through the eye of a needle. In our Russian character “selflessness, sacrifice, cooperation” dominate, whereas for a liberal, the main thing is his personal merits and private property. In a word, our salvation is a return to the ideals of our ancestors, and these ideals require us to be poor and selfless without any private property. “Russia is a country anti-capitalist and cannot become liberal under any circumstances circumstances! – said Doctor of Philosophy Vadim Shevchenko. -The answer is history, and the longer liberal experiments with the country will continue, the sooner the revolution will happen. “Russia, according to Shevchenko, developing in the matrix of the monarchy: “Starting with Ivan the Terrible only the king trusts the people! “As for bureaucracy, there’s nothing to be done – there is no other way to manage such a huge country. Therefore, we need to return to state-empire, today there are “imperial states that dominate the world stage. “We must take from them example, all the more so because “in society there is a huge need for imperial project. “However, some participants in the debate spoke out against a return to tsarism. So, political analyst Andrei Bunich believes that all our troubles are not due to liberalism, but, on the contrary, because of commitment to our traditions and roots: “In Russia, not liberalism turned out, and feudalism. And what is the competition under feudalism? Barin gave, the master took. We will already be in a difficult position because of sanctions, and if we also begin to solve problems with antiquated methods, then we’ll fall apart. “Professor at Moscow State University Alexander also agrees with Bunich Buzgalin. In his opinion, during the reconstruction of the monarchy from Putin it will turn out not Peter I, but Nicholas II, and it will end the same way.
Adelaide Sigida
Moscow, Russia