A photo from open sources A strange creature looks like a fish, but has huge teeth and a head that is too big for tiny body. Fancy fish living on the beach near from Cape Town, South Africa. Leanra Visser posted this photo on Facebook while on holiday near Cape Town, South Africa, writes All Voices.com. Her signature reads: “Maybe someone can tell me what the hell is this? we photographed this creature on the beach in De Kelder. It’s real thing! “A strange creature looks like a fish, but has huge teeth and a head that is too big for a tiny body. According to the African daily newspaper Die Burger, Visser denies that the image is a joke and the newspaper sent the photo to South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB) in Grahamstone to check. The newspaper quotes Alan Whitfield, SAIAB CEO, who stated that only because the creature was found on the beach, this does not necessarily mean that it was found fish. Whitfield drew attention to the fact that the creature in the photograph is not has fins.
Africa Fish