Scientists explore the amazing Adam Bridge

Scientists explore the amazing Adam BridgePhotos from open sources of

Adam’s Bridge, also called the Rama Bridge, is a a string of coral islands and shallows in the Indian Ocean, connecting India with Sri Lanka. Length of this unique The geographical area is 48 kilometers. Until the 15th century the “bridge” was used as a pedestrian path linking the island with the mainland. Later, due to earthquakes and typhoons, he was partially destroyed and went under water. Many travelers, including Marco Polo, confirm in their records the existence of a pedestrian the way.

Legends about the origin of the “bridge”

According to the beliefs of Hindus, this object was once built by the divine emperor Rama. Nationals and allies of the Indian the king, including the army of monkeys, built an isthmus to cross it to Sri Lanka and fight there with the demon Ravana, captivated Rama’s beloved Sita.

A photo from open sources

A famous Muslim legend says that according to the local in shallow water went to the area of ​​the modern city of Jeddah Adam, to meet there with Eve after the couple was expelled from Paradise.

Natural education or not?

There is still no consensus on whether Adam Bridge is an artificial or natural entity. Many experts argue that land did not appear here in the result of the movement of the earth’s crust. Thus, for the occurrence This object is not responsible for geological processes. Anyway, the formation of such a strip of land in the ocean can hardly be natural.

Scientists have repeatedly investigated the structure of the Rama Bridge. The experts drilled in several places the isthmus of the well and took from them samples. The analysis showed that below is sand, on which stacked numerous boulders of regular shape with dimensions of 2.5 on 1.5 meters. Soil is poured from above. This, according to experts, may indicate the occurrence of a geographical object. Satellite imagery also indicates that the “bridge” has clear, too flat structure.

A photo from open sources

Indian archaeologists have decided to put an end to this issue, once and forever determining whether the Adam Bridge is natural education. Former Head of Indian Council on Historical Deianath Tripati claims that there are no evidence of the man-made “bridge” and nowhere other than religious legends are not approved for the construction of this isthmus by people.

However, many do not agree with the official. So, the local underwater archaeologist Alok Chaudhary considers the Rama Bridge a man-made object. By According to the researcher, the isthmus was erected about 4000 years ago by an ancient civilization that fled to Sri Lanka from the Indian subcontinent from Aryan tribes. “However, no field work is impossible to speak with absolute accuracy, “the scientist emphasizes. Chaudhary will lead an underwater archaeological expedition to Adam The bridge this summer.

Earthquake Bridges

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