A photo from open sources
Many birds live in packs, and each species of bird has its own a flock. But this rule does not apply to Amazonia: here the birds are different species gather in mixed flocks, and such a community is very stably.
You find yourself in a particular bird habitat in the Amazon twenty years later, says a professor at the University of California Vance Vredenburg (Vance Friedenburg), and to your surprise you notice that on the same sections of the forest all the same flocks, all with the same set different types of birds. Why is that?
Recent studies by scientists have confirmed their guesses that such mixed flocks are not far from being collected, they have their own strict order, when each bird species has a specific role, but in general this allows the pack to stably exist, preventing certain catastrophic consequences.
For example, birds Thamnomanes ardesiacus – gray shrubby esperito, says author Ari Martinez (Ari Martinez), in such mixed flocks of Amazonia perform the role of sentinels who warn others of the approach predator. We caught and took for a while such watchmen – and other birds immediately reacted to this. They will soon or joining other flocks with sentinel esperito, or retreated to safer habitats where the need for the watchmen are not so badly needed.
Scientists have come to the conclusion that guard birds, such as in this case are Thamnomanes ardesiacus allow mixed flocks Amazonia settle in less secure areas without much risk, and this increases the habitat of birds, expands their food supply and other features.
In such flocks, presumably, he writes in an article about past study (Ecology Edition) co-author of this work Eliseo Parra (Eliseo Parra), and all other species of birds endowed some kind of authority (each species – does its own thing, necessary community). Just sentinels are easiest to spot since the main danger for birds comes, of course, from predators.
So talk after that about the stupid and unintelligent birds that supposedly living by instinct and know nothing more. Or still man himself still knows little about the world around him, having once invented a fairy tale that he is the king of nature? ..