A photo from open sources Recently all over the world every day Thousands of people with supernormal abilities appear. Television and others The media is full of information about various kinds of psychics, sorcerers and telepaths. A team of scientists from the University of Granada Spain took many people seriously that they can see the aura of man. There are many such people called healers, and some consider them simply charlatans, in while it may be about the presence of these individuals a certain neuropsychological phenomenon called synesthesia. As a result of the study, scientists discovered the facts for the first time explaining the esoteric phenomenon of the presence of an aura, that is, imaginary energy field in the form of light radiation, surrounding person with a special halo that is not visible to most people. If you use neurological terminology, synesthesia arises due to the exchange of impulses between nerve structures brain responsible for various sensations. People who have there is a phenomenon of synesthesia, called synestics. Other in words, synestics have a greater number of synaptic connections in the brain than in an ordinary person. “These additional links lead to the fact that such people have an automatic associative connection between different areas of the brain that usually don’t work in unison, ”explained Professor Gomez Milan, who led the research. – That is what may be noted in many healers who claim to see people’s aura. ” At synestics of the brain zone responsible for processing each type sensitive irritants interact closely with each other. In this way, synestics can see or taste sounds, “Hear” the smell, or associate people with a particular color gamut. “Not all healers are synestics, but this the phenomenon is most prevalent among such people, – says Milan. – Often a similar phenomenon is noted, to for example, with artists. ” As part of a new study, a team of scientists interviewed some synestics, then came to the conclusion that many people mistakenly attribute paranormal abilities to some individuals. At the same time, these individuals can be ordinary synestics. In particular, scientists examined in detail a phenomenon of a famous healer in Spain named Esteban Sanchez Kazas, having discovered in him a specific type of synesthesia, in which The facial recognition part of Casas’s brain has close relationship with another part of the brain responsible for color recognition. In addition, Casas found called mirror synesthesia, in which the synesthetic, watching an individual in pain or feeling touch, experiences a similar sensation. In addition, Casas noted ability to experience a high degree empathy, which allows him to literally duplicate feelings another man; as well as a certain personality disorder, observed in schizophrenia, which is characterized by mild paranoia and hallucinations. “A similar set of characteristics allows synesthetics better understand other people’s feelings and also give their specific emotions and even the ability to feel someone else’s pain, – summed up the scientist. – Some pseudo-healers with similar opportunities, they begin to believe that they can heal people, however, this is essentially self-deception. Synesthesia does not apply to psychic abilities, but is only subjective and embellished perception of reality. ”