Scientists have found creatures that are able to live forever

Scientists have found creatures that are able to live forever.Photo from open sources

In ancient Greek mythology, Hydra was described as multi-headed a monster that has immortality and is able to restore your lost limbs. It was with her, according to myth, once the legendary Hercules fought and won the deadly duel, chopping off his head.

A very real immortal creature, as it turned out, lives in freshwater waters of our planet. Well, at least about that Scientists at Pomona College, California, report Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. how experts say a freshwater polyp, unlike everyone other multicellular species, does not age at all and has immortality. “I’ve tried repeatedly in my research find evidence that hydra is aging – and I don’t succeeded, “says biologist Daniel Martinez.

Hydra is a class freshwater intestinal creature. hydroid. In appearance, it very much resembles small tubes with processes sticking out from all sides. The length of the hydra can reach 10 millimeters. It feeds on various smaller ones. freshwater. Since its opening, the hydra has long been famous its unique ability to regenerate. The fact is that most of its cells are stem cells, which can be divided an unlimited number of times. With the help of this properties hydra constantly regenerates its body, but it used to be it is known that cells of “eternal life” can only be present in animal embryos.

In 1998, Daniel Martinez spent with his colleagues a study whose results showed that hydra are not capable of grow old over several years. Now new studies, the “participants” of which were 2 256 individuals of hydra. Animals were placed in an isolated environment, and they were able to live in she’s eight years old without showing the slightest sign of aging. For all during this time, hydra mortality rates remained unchanged. Given this fact, Daniel stated that if you create the perfect conditions, this will allow hydra to live forever.


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