Photo from open sources
Swedish experts have completed a massive study, which in in total, it took them five decades. Scientists tracked way of life and well-being of eight hundred and fifty-five people, born in 1913 in Gothenburg. Researchers have studied that affects the longevity of Europeans, and prepared some recommendations for those who wish to celebrate someday centenary.
Two hundred thirty-two study participants survived to eighty years, one hundred and eleven to ninety, and ten to Swedes managed to reach a century of age. Experts have found that the most common cause of death after eighty years old are diseases of the cardiovascular system. From them died forty-two percent of the participants. Twenty percent died from infectious diseases, eight from stroke and cancer, six from pneumonia. The remaining sixteen percent of the Swedes did not live to see hundreds of years for other reasons.
Scientists are sure: in order to live long, it is necessary to fifty years to have a stable socio-economic position. Those who traded the sixth dozen, not needing money, significantly increase their life expectancy. Moreover, crucial genetic predisposition to longevity with side of the mother, smoking cessation and proper nutrition. Coffee and alcohol should be drunk in moderation, and even better – at all refuse stimulants.
According to the Swedes, a generalized portrait of an elderly European, having every chance of living up to a hundred years, is as follows: he is a non-poor person with a good heredity who lives in his apartment or house, eats properly, does not smoke, rarely drinks and uses various inventions as needed to improve functioning of the body, namely glasses, false jaws, hearing aid and so on.
So such a long-awaited longevity is quite possible for each person (at least in Europe), it’s a pity that people about him think too late.
A life