Scientists have found out why dreams are fast are forgotten

Scientists have found out why dreams are quickly forgotten.Photo from open sources

Scientists from the USA and Japan have identified a group of cells in the brain that does not allows a person to store information about dreams. Reports Edition Science.

During the experiments, scientists studied the work of the hypothalamus, in which has cells that produce a special hormone – melanin-concentrating (SIT). This hormone is responsible for appetite and also involved in regulating the phase of sleep.

These studies were conducted on rodents. One group of mice activated MCH cells during the REM phase, after which it was difficult for rodents to learn anything previously studied. Another rodent groups of MCH cells were not included, and they showed the best memory test results.

One of the members of the Shuntaro Izawa research team explained, forgetting is an active process, not a passive one. Dreams, the scientist continues, appear during the rapid phase sleep when MCH cells are active. While they are active, dreams are not saved. in mind. Researchers believe that people have a mechanism of “forgetting” the same as in mice, therefore it is necessary to continue research in this direction.

Previously, ESOREITER talked about why a person dreams.

Andrey Vetrov


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