Scientists have identified the most ferocious animal

Scientists have identified the most ferocious animalPhotos from open sources of

We are accustomed to self-critically believing that animals are fiercer than us on the planet does not exist. Like, man unleashes wars, kills other people for the sake of profit and because of prejudice, exterminates billions of other creatures and so on. However, scientists report that in the wild, too, not everything is so smooth. Some species are incredible and also unjustified cruelty, which any maniac could envy.

Spanish zoologists have completed a large-scale study with the aim of reveal the most bloodthirsty mammal on Earth. Scientists analyzed the behavior of representatives of more than a thousand species and made up a list of thirty creatures manifesting most aggressive towards each other and ferocity. results This study was published in reputable British general scientific journal “Nature”. Admittedly, they turned out to be quite awesome.

A photo from open sources

Who would have thought that the most cruel mammal in the world will be meerkat – an animal from the mongoose family that lives in South Africa. According to experts, these cute little animals, loving stand on hind legs just seem cute and harmless. In fact, every fifth meerkat dies, becoming a victim of their own kin.

Despite the fact that they are predatory animals, they cannibalism is not common. Meerkats kill each other while sharing territory and food, in the mating season because of the struggle for females, and also during constant skirmishes, the reasons for which scientists are still can’t explain. Maybe the meerkats just like to kill each other. By the way, destruction is widespread among female meerkats alien cubs in order to clear a place for their own.

A photo from open sources

In addition to meerkats, the ten most bloodthirsty mammals the planets also hit the red-tailed monkey, the blue monkey, red-faced lemur, mongoose lemur, black lemur, New Zealand sea ​​lion, long-tailed marmot, lion and striped mongoose.

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