A photo from open sources
A group of international scientists decided once and for all to determine who is the legendary bigfoot.
For this, experts took samples of guests from private collections, wool, teeth, skins and litter of alleged big feet, after which conducted their thorough laboratory research. DNA analysis showed that all these samples belong to animals of the family bearish. Could this mean that one of the largest is the cryptozoological mystery of the planet finally unraveled?
Some of the samples used by scientists found in Tibet highlands in the 1930s, part – in the same place, but in later years. It turned out that all these bones, fragments of the skin and tufts of wool belong to the black Himalayan, Tibetan brown, Tien Shan brown and other local species of bears. This analysis showed mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid recovered from samples. In addition, the researchers determined that one of the bones is a canine. Either someone intentionally faked the remains and excrement of yeti, or mistook them for the latter out of ignorance and their naivety.
A photo from open sources
Many world cryptozoologists, however, are in no hurry to believe that the myth of snowmen is finally and irrevocably dispelled. In their opinion, people of official science cannot draw conclusions on based on 14 fragments of remains found at one point the planet. How about tens of thousands of other samples found in outside the Tibetan Highlands? Many experts in the field cryptozoologists are convinced that scientists have specifically set a goal to refute the existence of bigfoot, and not to achieve the truth.
It’s like peeking into your bedroom and not seeing there ghosts, conclude from this that they do not exist. Absolutely unprofessional approach based on the desire to betray his point of view for the truth, – says the famous Canadian paranormal researcher Alex Morin.
By the way, scientists are not the first to trumpet that the secret is about snow man unraveled. And nothing has changed…
Bigfoot Snow DNA