Scientists have recognized lightning a mysterious phenomenon

Scientists have recognized lightning a mysterious phenomenonPhotos from open sources of

We are taught from childhood that the thunderstorm and its attendant thunder and lightning are well-studied phenomena, since in textbooks everything it is simply and fairly clearly described. Actually with lightning not everything is so simple. And scientists are forced to admit that they are up to still do not know their true nature, that is, it has not yet been clarified end mechanism of their nucleation.

These ordinary and such unusual zippers

Despite the fact that this mysterious mechanism is no longer being studied one century and scientific hypotheses proposed so much that you can compose thick volumes of books, in reality, scientists are still so far they cannot solve this mystery of nature.

A photo from open sources

In order to break through even one centimeter of air, it is necessary charge of 30 thousand volts. Imagine now what fantastic electric fields are needed when discharge after discharge lightning, for example, near the Venezuelan lake Maracaibo, where the heavenly fire can sparkle up to 20 thousand times in one night. With this cloud, as lightning researchers found, they don’t give birth (and they cannot give birth) such powerful electric fields, their energies at best could be enough for a light spark. True, there is the theory of A. Gurevich – Moscow scientist of the Russian Academy of Sciences, that the causes of lightning can be cosmic rays. But again, this is nothing more than assumption…

Ball lightning

Ball lightning is an incomprehensible mystery for scientists. And although they are recognized as “plasma formations”, the main thing is not clarified – why these plasma clots can exist in the atmosphere of a second, and in some cases, even many minutes, although in all respects (according to numerous laboratory experiments) without external recharge spherical plasma substance should cool in thousandths seconds.

A photo from open sources

Scientists have even agreed that ball lightning is just an optical effect, however there are already video documentaries confirmation of the reality of ball lightning. However, such filming little is explained, simply confusing scientists.

“Lightning is the other way around” – sprites only added puzzles

In 1989, sprites were discovered – almost the same lightning bolts, only at an altitude of 70-80 kilometers above the surface of the earth. Giant jets (a type of sprite) reach altitude altogether 90 kilometers away. Moreover, these cosmic lightning (“lightning vice versa “, beating into space) are associated with thunderclouds. But as?

A photo from open sources

In 2000, scientists finally found out that inside a thundercloud at an altitude of about 10 thousand meters, sources are formed radio emissions (compact intra-cloud discharges) are much more powerful than those that accompany lightning. But only again it is not clear how these discharges are formed, where they come from …

According to A. Kostinsky (Institute of General Physics RAS), the science of Lightning is currently experiencing a real boom. Wherein scientists already seriously recognize them as a mysterious phenomenon, which has not yet been fully studied and it is not known when it is still will happen. Therefore, school and college textbooks, telling children and youths about the origin of “atmospheric electric discharges, “to put it mildly, not quite true, but if more honestly – false …

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