Photo from open sources
Even in the elementary grades, schoolchildren study the water cycle in nature. Evaporating from the surface of the earth and oceans carried by air masses for hundreds and thousands of kilometers, and fall to land in the form of rain, dumped by rivers into the ocean, again evaporates without stopping. So, this is nothing more than a myth.
Riddle for weather forecasters and meteorologists
According to studies of Roshydromet specialists, as a result evaporation from land and oceans into the air is very insignificant amount of moisture which can give no more than 25mm precipitation. And even then, these miserable millimeters remain in the atmosphere, creating the so-called natural background.
Yes, meteorologists and weather forecasters know about cyclones and anticyclones, can warn of future precipitation, where, when they fall out and even their approximate number. Here are just a clear and firm answer where a huge amount of water is taken in the atmosphere, they cannot.
The phenomenon of “Mongolian cyclone”
In 1998, the Chita region and Buryatia were literally flooded with water. Dozens of holiday villages disappeared under the water, only the roof. Thousands of families suffered, property damage was estimated millions of rubles.
But if you look at the statistics, Buryatia almost every year experiencing a natural disaster and experiencing a disaster with a frightening regularity. Rain floods of various sizes she experienced in 1936, 1940, 1971, 1973, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1998, 2001, 2006, 2014. Surely they were until 1936.
The root cause of all these disasters, according to meteorologists, is almost there was always a cyclone coming from Mongolia, each time bringing huge masses of water. Downpours of rain and rain provoked floods turning into real floods.
The barocenter in Western Mongolia is the largest of the four, located in the northern hemisphere. However, if the other three (Greenland, Alpine, Elbrus) are located near large water bodies, then explain the presence of moisture in the cyclone, formed over the Mongolian desert … you know. So where from but are these moisture masses taken in the Mongolian cyclone?
The answer to the riddle is under our feet
Igor Yanitsky, Head of the Center for Geophysical Forecasts analyzed over 5,000 weather cards. It turned out that in most In these cases, the centers of cyclones coincide with the lines of tectonic faults. So, the answer to the question “where does the moisture for the rain come from?” necessary to search not in the sky, but underground? But how are the processes taking place in the depths of the earth’s crust are transformed into water falling from the sky?
Scientists are not yet ready to give an exact answer. Most understandable and an acceptable theory is that deep down Earth water through microcracks with hot steam comes out and rises in the atmosphere. This is what the human mind is ready to accept. But there is another theory.
Crazy theory
In the places of faults the strongest geological processes. Their manifestation is earthquakes, eruptions volcanoes, etc. All this is accompanied by the release of a colossal amount of energy, part of which is converted into water.
The idea is unusual. We understand the transformation of one type of energy into another: mechanical to electrical, etc., but the conversion of energy into matter ?! But Einstein in his famous theory of relativity directly related mass and energy, theoretically suggesting the possibility transformations of one into another (E = mc2, E – energy, m – mass, c – speed of light). So this theory is not so crazy.
Flood from the point of view of meteorological physicists
The theory of transmutation of energy into water explains the best flood history. Theoretical physicist Viktor Komarov, student Academician Tamm, calculated that one trillionth of the energy, located only in the 200-kilometer layer of the earth’s crust is enough in the shortest possible time to raise the level of the world’s oceans by 3-5 km. So much for the Flood!
But what caused such a rapid and massive transformation energy? Meteor falling? Is the moon to blame? Or cause a cataclysm there was a giant explosion of methane bursting from the ground (G.’s theory Risk) Or maybe the Earth was just … offended by people? After all, according to to some theories, the Earth is living and intelligent, in the full sense this word and no emotions are alien to her.
Posted by Klim Podkova