Scientists: parallel universes exist

Scientists: parallel universes existPhotos from open sources of

Have you ever found yourself thinking that you exist in a parallel universe and everything is different there? I often talk about it I think, but here it is necessary to take into account the number of watched by me science fiction films and series. However, such thoughts, when scientists, rather than ordinary people, indulge in them, much can talk about how our universe is arranged. So, one of recent scientific work of theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has been devoted to parallel universes and the ways in which can prove to refute their existence. But even if parallel universes exist, what are they?

What do scientists think of parallel universes?

According to, theoretical physicist Sean Carroll expressed the view that the small-scale structure of the universe indicates the existence of many parallel worlds. Shocking comments were made on the Jeff Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast in Last year. Carroll says the fact that tiny particles, such as electrons and photons, do not have one given location in the universe suggests that there is many parallel universes.

It should be noted that quantum physics is what the human imagination does very poorly. For this reason many false scholars and all kinds of gurus are very fond of getting involved in own ideas about the universe a couple of words about quantum physics. They proudly declare this at seminars and write posts. in social networks. As they say, if you do not understand what happens, start talking about quantum physics. So you need to be very attentive and be able to distinguish speculative statements from statements of real scientists.

In a recently published article on the secrets of the world, we discussed quantum physics – the dance of electrons around the nucleus of atoms. It’s in once again confirms what we already knew – in quantum level everything is really different. You just think it over – empty the vacuum of space is filled with tiny particles that constantly appear and disappear. Moreover, Bell’s theorem fundamental construction in quantum mechanics – can prove the existence of the multiverse. This theorem deals with situations when particles interact with each other, become entangled, and then diverge in different directions. Of course, there are still equations, laws physics, and the laws that need to be obeyed, but Carroll doesn’t excludes that some alternative worlds can actually exist.

A photo from open sources Carroll has put forward several innovative but controversial theories about the nature of time and the Great the explosion. According to one of his hypotheses, the Universe did not originate in the result of a giant explosion, and is infinitely ancient, an ever-expanding universe in which time can flow as forward and backward. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Carroll also He believes that quantum physics is not just an approximation to the truth. Now scientists are confronted with the secrets of dark matter and dark energy, and given the fact that not everything is consistent with the General theory Einstein’s relativity, it’s time to tackle our understanding quantum world.

In 2011, physicist Brian Green wrote a book under titled Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and Deep the laws of Cosmos. “In it, the British physicist and popularizer of science writes that scientists cannot avoid having any version multiverse in its research. Many physicists think about that or another version of the theory of a parallel universe. If all this is complete nonsense, it’s a waste of time and energy. But if this idea is true, then this is really a fantastic revolution in our understanding the world and the universe.

A photo from open sources

Stephen Hawking also suggested that thanks to quantum The mechanics of the Big Bang gave us an infinite amount universes, not just one. To try to prove availability or lack of parallel worlds, Hawking co-authored with Thomas Herthog of the University of Leuven (Belgium), suggested that if the multiverse exists, it should have left a mark on relict radiation. A probe with a special can detect it. a detector that Hawking and Hertog offer to send into space. Read more about this amazing mission in our special the material.

So it is possible that Green, Carroll, Hawking and Hertog are right. Recently researchers from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee Announces Desire to Find Out multiverse or mirror reflections of our own reality. This is the publication of New Scientist, so we are waiting further details and hope that they have everything soon will succeed!

Author: Lyubov Sokovikova

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Time Universe Parallel Worlds Stephen Hawking

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