Scientists: Red Wine Cures Disorder psyche

Scientists:Photo from open sources

Scientists from the USA (University of Buffalo) concluded that red wine is a great way to fight mental diseases. The results of the study were published in the publication. Neuropharmacology.

As the experts found out, the grape skin contains natural antioxidant – resveratrol, which has a positive effect on brain activity.

The experiments were performed as usual on mice. In the body of rodents, which were kept under constant stress, powerful production corticosterone hormone, resulting in their brain the PDE4 enzyme was concentrated, leading subsequently to depression.

During the study, experts constantly mixed in food rodent wine component – resveratrol, which did not give accumulate in the brain PDE4 and thereby mental state the mice improved. Thus, upon completion of the experiment depression rates in experimental animals dropped significantly.

Resveratrol, according to scientists, can also be effectively applied in treating people who are depressed.

Andrey Vetrov

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