Scientists said it would help quit to smoke

A photo from open sources

Tobacco smoking annually takes the lives of four hundred thousand Russians. It’s not just addiction or a source of multi-billion dollars profits for tobacco corporations. This is what, second by second, robbing a person of his life. Alas, quitting smoking is very difficult. However recently, doctors, based on the results of many years studies, published some simple tips that help get rid of addiction.

1. Self-hypnosis. Make the thought of giving up cigarettes firmly stuck in your head.

2. Positive attitude. Doctors advise you to tune in to a positive okay. Do not be nervous, listen to your favorite music, distract from thoughts of addiction. Thanks to this, the craving for nicotine will become not so noticeable.

3. Change of priorities. For most, smoking is a kind of a ritual. Another cigarette lights up when a person is nervous or when you need to brighten up a painful expectation. Just decide for yourself, what will you do with yourself at such moments.

4. The reward system. It’s no secret that smoking is enough expensive hobby. Don’t forget about the available funds treat yourself – buy a cake that used to be sorry for money, or go on an excursion. In a word, come up with something grandiose. And against the background of the pleasure you received, once again make sure you give up smoking for good reason.

5. Distraction from thoughts about a cigarette. Do not be scared if you attends the thought of smoking. This is normal, because earlier this habit was part of your life. Just realize that at the moment she do not have power over you, get distracted and start thinking about something completely different.

6. Do not trust the sense of smell. In places where smoking is allowed, too many temptations for someone who gave up tobacco. Familiar the smell is able to turn your head, and there is a great danger of falling off. Try to visit those places where you do not smoke.

A life

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