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Scientists warn that global outbreak is deadly a dangerous viral infection is inevitable over the next five years and can cause huge human losses. British doctors recorded several fatal infections at once diseases transmitted from animals and insects to humans. This disease is widespread in domestic and wild animals in Africa and Asia. The carrier and the keeper of the infection are ticks, mainly from the genus Hyalomma
A photo from open sources
The other day, in a hospital in London, a 38-year-old man died. At he was diagnosed with symptoms of Crimean Congolese fever, also known as Central Asian hemorrhagic fever. The disease is manifested by severe headache, fever, aching joints, abdominal cramps and vomiting. As extensive disease foci appear in patients with disease progression hematomas and uncontrolled bleeding of internal organs. By at least 30% of infections of the Crimean Congolese fever end in death. This disease is widespread in domestic and wild animals in Africa and Asia. Carrier and ticks are the guardian of the infection, mainly from the genus Hyalomma. Cases of the disease were previously recorded in Ukraine in Crimea, in Russia – in the Astrakhan, Rostov regions, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory, in Central Asia, China, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, in African countries. Presumably Briton got infected hemorrhagic fever at his brother’s wedding in Afghanistan, writes the British newspaper The Daily Mail. Last month in a 49-year-old patient got into a London hospital. He had a high fever, severe cough, and shortness of breath. Signs the diseases were similar to SARS, the epidemic of which in 2003 killed about 1000 people. However blood tests men showed that this is not SARS, but some still unknown virus. As it turned out, the patient recently came from Qatar. Using the latest high-tech gene scanning technology, scientists from the Agency for the Protection of health investigated the virus. They found that he is from the same families like SARS, but has a completely different composition. Experts concluded that people were infected with this disease from animals. Search for medical bases in different countries showed that from the same disease in july in saudi arabia 60-year-old man died. Reports of Zoonoses – Dangerous contagious animal diseases to which pathogens are susceptible and man excited by medical experts. They do not exclude that in the coming years, mankind will face the largest pandemic, similar to the “Spanish woman”, who took from 50 to 100 from 1918 to 1919 million lives around the world. One of the leading British Virologists Professor John Oxford of Queen Mary Hospital University of London warns people to expect zoonotic infection pandemic that could hit the planet in over the next five years. A virus outbreak will potentially bring disastrous consequences for humanity. According to virologist, soon a new strain of super influenza may arise, which will move from wild or domestic animals to humans and begin its deadly march around the world from Asia or Africa. Professor bases his forecast on historical examples. And really in there have already been alarming precedents like epidemics in the recent past SARS. From March to July 2003 about 8400 possible cases of SARS have been reported in 32 countries. IN 2009 H1N1 swine flu infected hundreds of millions people around the world. Currently, threats from zoonoses are much more than before, due to the spread of modern technology, active movement of people around the world and population growth, experts warn. In addition, the risk of infection increases. deadly infectious diseases from wildlife due to humanity’s gross invasion of the jungle and rainforest. IN October, an international group of researchers announced the identification the new African BASV virus that killed two teenagers in Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2009. The disease begins with acute hemorrhagic fever, then the patient begins bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Infected person can die in a few days. 15 year old boy and 13 year old girl died of this infection very quickly. One week after death girls from a health worker who looked after the patient, similar symptoms appeared. He miraculously survived. According to scientists, the virus comes from the wild and probably passed on to people through insect bites. There are a lot of candidates for a new viral epidemic – people can get the disease from both wild and domestic animal type horses. According to researchers, this is exactly what a way to humanity previously got the deadly fever virus Ebola and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). According to scientists, perhaps HIV first appeared in 1908, but only in the 80s years of the last century it spread throughout the world, killing lives already about 30 million people. Currently 33 million people on Earth are considered HIV-infected. At the same Ebola and HIV viruses are not transmitted by airborne droplets. by way. If zoonoses of the same damaging force will spread through the air, it will be the most terrible pathogen on the planet, experts say. Scientists expect a pandemic of viral zonosa infections already in 2017-2018 and offer to do everything in order to prevent her.
Africa Viruses Time Life End of the World Insects Russia Epidemics