Scratchtooth: a living fossil of the planet

The Tooth: Living Fossil of the PlanetPhotos from open sources of

This insectivorous animal is also called “almiqui”. From being with such an appearance is hard to expect friendliness and meek disposition. AND indeed, the toothfish is very aggressive, spiteful and poisonous (the latter is a rarity for mammals). And what else is hidden behind his pretty expressive appearance?

Almiqui – old-timers on our planet: at the end of the Mesozoic – the beginning of the Cenozoic era, they were abundant in the territory North America and Caribbean islands. Long time the teeth were considered extinct, although in fact they were lucky survive in Cuba and Haiti. These two species differ in color. coat and claw length on forelegs.

In appearance, almiqui resembles shrews and rats: it has a long, like at the shrew, a snout with antennae and a pair of nasal holes, and the body and the tail is like that of a rat. The paws of the crawfish are quite high and five-fingered, with long claws. Rare coarse wool is black, reddish brown or tan. Body length of this rather large insectivorous animal (not counting the tail) reaches an average of thirty centimeters, mass – one kilograms. The life expectancy of the alkali tooth is 5-10 years.

A photo from open sources

Almiqui are nocturnal animals, and at this time they actively hunt. Somewhat surprisingly, the scabies have poorly developed eyes, however they easily compensate for this shortcoming with magnificent sense of smell. Large insects, lizards, small ones serve them as prey. birds. Do not disdain splits and carrion. In the afternoon they sleep in their burrows.

These animals are rather slow, but, sensing danger or furious, they can attack a dog and even a person. At all the toothfish is absurd in nature: the one who will be “in his possessions, “will certainly be attacked. Before the attack of almiqui makes warning sounds – shrill and piercing. At the same time he raises his coat on end and begins to dig land towards the enemy.

The toothfish is not protected even from its own poison

The venom of the animal is similar to snake. One of forty almiqui teeth (second lower incisor) has a fairly deep gap. Under the jaw a duct approaches from its beginning, from which toxic saliva is secreted. For a person, bites of the alkali tooth are not fatal, but very painful and at the same time accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. Striking, however, is the fact that in the entire history of its existence on the planet the scabies themselves did not develop immunity against your own poison! Therefore, the animal can easily die in a fight from the bite of his own kindred! ..

A photo from open sources

In addition to such a “weapon,” the crawfish has musk glands, which produce a yellowish secret having an unpleasant sharp smell (like a skunk). Almiqui marks this oily liquid territory, she uses it to find a partner for mating.

Shcheletuby can climb trees, as well as excellent swim. Accepting water procedures, they simultaneously drink water, because to quench thirst from a simple puddle does not allow them to proboscis.

In captivity, almiquis take root well, but aggressiveness, repulsive odor and toxicity make them not the most beloved exhibits of living corners …

A photo from open sources

Today, the number of these animals on earth is negligible and practically does not grow. The reasons for this situation are low Almiqui fertility (1-3 cubs per female per year), deforestation, and also the natural enemies of the crayfish in the face of mongooses and dogs. Not adds vitality to these animals recorded in international Red Book, and their vulnerability to their own poison …

Here they are – constantly balancing on the brink between life and extinction, deprived of the beauty and grace that we usually value in animals, and yet touching-funny, warlike and such defenseless our lesser brothers are almiqui …

Life time

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