Whatever you say, but money is not only life but also a sign wealth and strength. Proud of its distinguished fellow citizens, almost all countries of the world depict their portraits on money in as a form of such pride. Until the first third of the 20th century only crowned money was depicted on money, mainly coins persons and rulers of states, but then the situation changed. Steel coins are issued, not only dedicated to prominent figures, but also commemorative, to certain anniversary dates. Today we will talk about secret signs and symbols that are placed on banknotes and известны очень узкому кругу людей… A photo изopen sources
In some states, some secret signs are put on money and symbols not in our usual understanding of improving the quality of protection from fakes. This is the so-called Masonic symbolism, taking its toll. the beginning according to tradition, from the time when Hiram king of Tire, sent to the king of Israel Solomon masters and materials for the construction of the “Great Temple” of Jehovah in Jerusalem. Exactly then the first ever “free masons”, or freemasons, appeared on service of the “God’s chosen” people, who made up a whole system of signs and characters allowing them to recognize in any setting like-minded person. In Russia, the beginning of the XX century, there was a secret mystic-masonic society “Golden Dawn”, which included the Baltic barons and aristocrats from Germany and Russia. Even Tsarina Alexandra Fedorovna occasionally attended meetings and it was there I met with left-handed swastika (“suuvastika”) – the symbol that she depicted in 1918 on the wall of a house in Also during his imprisonment. Swastika, however, with the opposite direction of the rays, was the emblem of the “Golden dawn. “It is curious to note that the threads are from the Golden Dawn, and also of another society – “Bayatzhum” – stretched to Germany, in so called Termanenorden, “from which the lodge subsequently arose “Thule” and the party of Adolf Hitler.
A photo from open sources
In addition, the Nazi and Soviet symbols: the swastika passed from secret societies to banknotes Russian Provisional Government, issued until the spring of 1918 years, and then used in the design of the emblem of the Red Army. AND although she didn’t take root with us, she became well known as the official symbol of the NSDAP, On the other hand, the well-known five-pointed stars decorated in the early twenties not only budenovki and caps of the Red Army, but also the uniform of Hitler’s attack aircraft, wearing a pentagram on the lapels of their clothes. This is probably explains the fact that, despite clear differences in ideology, up to the German attack on the USSR in our country German military specialists were trained, manufactured equipment for the needs of the Wehrmacht, etc., since there were involved completely different, not accessible to the uninitiated principles, goals and objectives. Masonic is most fully reflected found symbolism in the USA, which by the beginning of the 20th century had become a center global capital concentration. On the back of the banknote in one dollar ordered by US vice president Henry Wallace Russian emigre theosophist Sergei Makronovsky (aka – Nikolai Konstantinovich Kerich) and put into circulation in the late 30s years, there is a whole bunch of Masonic signs and symbols, and before total annoying repetition of the number 13, which, according to the doctrine Kabbalah means 13 degrees of initiation. In a narrow sense, thirteen – this is the number of degrees of development of energy and human transformation. In a broader sense, thirteen acts as a symbol of incompleteness the world and its need to be led by a certain group of people, “peak”, because only under this superpower does he gain integrity and avoids the danger that the number also symbolizes 13. In the left corner of the bill above the inscription “The greal seal” (“Great seal “) the image of the Masonic truncated pyramid is placed, consisting of thirteen brick tiers, where each brick denotes an individual nation or state with its coin, symbolizing the unity of all the money in the world, arranged in a hierarchy, which is defined by the top of the pyramid – the luminous Masonic triangle with the eye of the Great Architect of the Universe. This symbol crowned with the Latin inscription ANNUT COEPTIS, consisting of thirteen letters and representing a distorted quote from Virgil: “Be favors bold undertakings, “which is unequivocal emphasizes that only the “Chosen” is predetermined to rule the world. The truncated pyramid is a symbol in Masonic terms world order established by “free masons”, expressing thereby the idea that Freemasonry is predetermined by the role of the ruling the clan. This once again finds confirmation in the inscription on Latin: NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, located between the base of the pyramid and the inscription on the “Great Seal”. Her translation speaks of a certain “New Order for Ages.” On the right side of the bill depicts an eagle carrying a shield with thirteen stripes (light and dark). Moreover, surprisingly, in his right paw he holds acacia branch with thirteen leaves and thirteen buds blooming flowers. But acacia, as you know, is not only the sacred tree of Freemasonry, allowing you to open the grave of Hiram, but also symbolizes the strength of the Masonic tradition and organization, possession of secret knowledge, ability to resurrect or immortality. In the left paw, the eagle holds a bunch of 13 arrows, symbolizing knowledge and power, designed to pacify, and when need-and destroy the enemies, so ideally each of thirteen arrows threatens one of the thirteen tiers forming the pyramid of enslaved humanity. More broadly, arrows personify the success that should accompany progress towards the highest goal of the world “New Order for Ages.” In the beak the eagle holds a tape with a traditional Masonic slogan again of 13 letters: “E PLURIBUS UNUM “(” Of the Many – One “), According to the Masonic doctrine based on ancient materialistic teachings about the origin of the world, and the beginning was only “One”, which subsequently disintegrated and continues to disintegrate so far into the “Many” various creatures, objects, phenomena, species, categories, etc. Therefore, the ideal goal is to destroy the Many, eliminate the richness of diversity inherent in people, their traditions and cultures, for the sake of restoring the updated One.
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Above the eagle is the six-pointed Star of David, composed of thirteen Masonic five-pointed stars and symbolized “Reconciliation of opposites”, reconciliation of “heaven and earth.” IN in this case, she embodies the ideal of erasing wealth differences that exist in the world. To ensure focus the work of transforming the diversity of the “multitude” into wretched the uniformity of “One”, it is not necessary to rummage through the archives. It’s just enough to look around. World War I crushed four empires that still resisted expansion of supranational capital. After the second world war the sovereignty of states is subject to greater and greater greater threat, because the destruction process is systematically the last reserves of the identity of peoples and their cultures. Nowadays the world is already united not only by networks of usurious exploitation and transnational corporations, but also the worldwide Internet. In almost all countries, people drink the same drinks, absorb the same “instant” food, wear the same and the same clothes, paying tribute to the dictates of another fashion, listen to one and the same music in which the last remnants of the original folk melodies, despite the abundance of television channels, watch one and the same a stupid program, film or advertisement that serves a kind of addition to the accelerated stamping faceless and submissive masses of zombies, etching from the consciousness of people even the slightest hint of their national identity. It is no coincidence therefore in the center banknotes the motto is drawn: “IN GOOD WE TRUST” – “We believe in God.” IN what God do these people believe, I think, no need to explain. “Interesting newspaper. Magic and mystic “№6 2013
War Time Germany Money Pyramids Russia USA