A photo from open sources
There are several enduring myths about how you can extend your life and youth.
1 Myth. Yogurt is good for the health of the intestinal flora, which It supports immunity and prolongs life.
Reality. There is still no strong evidence that this factor somehow it affects life expectancy.
2 Myth. A low-calorie diet slows down the aging process.
Reality. But not by reducing protein intake! is he is the main building material and is important for life support of the body.
3 Myth. Regular body cleansing and fasting diets extend life.
Reality. Not being observed by a doctor and without his recommendations of this do not, because you can upset the metabolism.
4 Myth. Late births significantly delay the onset of menopause and cause a surge in hormonal activity, which rejuvenates the body.
Reality. This only happens if the pregnancy and childbirth passes without complications and exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Some tips on how to extend your life and how it’s possible to maintain health longer, have long become an educational program for us, directly imposed in the teeth: do morning exercises, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, provide yourself with vitamins and, in general, eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. Everything is clear how two by two.
But it is interesting that many centenarians admitted that never did not refuse alcohol. And some took it daily. True, they drank no more than one or two glasses of natural grape wine or missed no more than one glass of quality vodka per day. There were almost no smokers among them, except perhaps one in a hundred. But almost all of them preferred moderation in food and low-calorie, mainly fruit and vegetable diet.
And here are a few interesting “know-how” from centenarians, only note that the experts on their account do not have a single opinion:
In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of distilled water (you can buy at the pharmacy). Such water helps maintain acid-base balance, cleanses the body of toxins and frees from extra pounds is better than any diet.
After morning exercises (not strength, but a simple workout!) doused with cold water. Some centenarians prefer to pour the whole body from head to toe and stay wet for a while. Others recommend pouring cold water over your ears, armpits, area solar plexus and feet, and then vigorously massage and rub your ears and armpits. In both cases, the blood begins to actively “serve” the internal organs, the tone of everything increases organism.
Stand on your head daily. Such an exercise is a “care product” behind the brain. Here the principle works: a healthy young brain – healthy young body.
Clean your lungs every day: standing in front of an open window, you need to take as deep a breath as possible. Hold your breath on a few seconds, and then with an effort to exhale all the air “to the last drop. ” Hold your breath again and repeat again 5-10 times. Blood and brain need “fresh” for active work oxygen.
Sleep no less, but no more than necessary. To some four is enough, and someone needs at least ten hours to get enough sleep. It is important to always comply with your norm and mode!
As often as possible, walk barefoot on the ground, grass, snow.
Move a lot, lead an active lifestyle.
Do not overwork! Be sure to alternate work and rest, relax at least for a short time 2-3 times a day.
Just want to
5 Myth. Sterilization saves energy. It’s considered that we are born with a certain supply of energy, heartbeats, sighs, which is consumed throughout life. When is this stock coming to an end, death comes.
Reality. It’s proven that those who lead an active lifestyle create families, give birth to children and do not interfere too much in physiology, still live longer.
6 Myth. If you transfuse blood from a young man to an old man, then the latter from such a procedure will be significantly rejuvenated.
Reality. Any blood transfusion is carried out only by medical and vital indications. Still with transfusion blood side effects and adverse reactions sometimes occur. There is no evidence that this procedure is useful for rejuvenation. exist.
7 Myth. Staying in chambers with low temperature freezes some processes in the body, as if slowing down vital activity, and thereby prolongs life.
Reality. Thus, you can irrevocably disrupt the work some body systems! And freeze the whole human body to then revive and “run” after some time, until impossible. Gerontologists believe that in addition to physical factors, psychological ones are also important – a mood for longevity and youth, psychological comfort and satisfaction with life in general. For this is necessary:
Be hardworking and inquisitive, fight with laziness. Believed that laziness is the path to death. Creative people and leaders of large businesses tend to live long because they are in constant search and try to be fully realized at work. This is a powerful incentive to life and a powerful means of struggle. against stress.
Absorb maximum information: read, travel, make new friends. “He who thinks lives.”
Fall in love, love, have sex with pleasure. Middle-aged couples found sex at least 3-4 times a week, look younger than their peers, who had had sex much less ten years ago.
Organize your workplace and create a home interior by feng shui system.
Take your time, avoid the hustle and bustle in all its manifestations. Haste and fussiness accelerate all processes in the body, Tire and wear it out.
Not to set super tasks, but also not to simplify your life so much, so that she becomes boring. It’s useful to periodically change something in life: place of residence, work, occupation, interests, hobbies.
In no case do not engage in self-discipline. By all means maintain a good mood. Sing. Dream. To smile.
Do not succumb to disease, anger, despondency, negative emotions and do not “let down” them on others. To do this, you can keep a diary, walk to discos, to sporting events, such as football matches, or watch horror movies in good company. This gives the ability to shout and discharge enough.
Deal with people the way you would like them to acted with you. Do not envy. Avoid excesses in everything. Listen to your body. His signals are a kind of instinct of self-preservation, the pursuit of health and maximum comfortable condition.
Love and respect yourself.
Water Time Life Health